Randolph's Invasion

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Post time skip. After chapter 13 and takes place after "Pirates of the north." Beginning of this part takes place literally just before Chapter 14. Also a few days before Byleth's A support with Sylvain. Also a retell of Ch14 with the focus being put on the battle.


Byleth went into the cathedral to go check on Dimitri.

It was the afternoon and for some reason everyone said they were more worried about him than usual.

This worried Byleth and she wanted to see why.

When she arrived, the only person there was Dimitri.

He stared at the ground like he was dead and shouting to himself

Byleth walked a bit closer to where he was.

"You're wrong."


Dimitri wasn't talking to himself after all.

It seemed like he was talking to someone but Byleth couldn't see them

Byleth didn't intend to listen to whatever it is Dimitri is saying at first but she found herself standing behind him without him noticing.

And yet she still couldn't hear these voices that Dimitri was hearing

Dimitri's ears were full of angry voices with ghosts that only he can see in front of them.

"You still love Edelgard because she is your stepsister right?" Glenn's ghost seemed disappointed with Dimitri. Dimitri's father Lambert and his step mother Patricia ghosts' were also there with him. So were a few other soldiers that died on the tragedy of duscur.

"It's not like that, Glenn. I swear it. Any love I once had for my stepsister... has been tossed aside."

Byleth thought to herself. "Was this what Gilbert meant about the 'unseen forces'?"

Dimitri continued. "Only hatred remains. If I could tear that woman to shreds right this very moment, I would."

Glenn's ghost snorted. "But she is the emperor right?"

Dimitri shook his head. "I don't care if she's the emperor. It's no different than killing anyone else. So I beg you...all of you... Do not worry about my resolve."

Lambert and Patricia ghosts' gave Dimitri a look. They didn't believe him.

Dimitri noticed it though. "Please, Father... And you too, Stepmother... Do not gaze at me with that look in your eyes..."

All of the ghosts started to chant at him again.

" K  I     L     L E  D  E  L   G  A  R  D "

" G  I    V  E U  S H  E   R H  E  A  D "

Dimitri had a slight fake smile on his face. "I will bring you her head soon. And when I do, you may finally rest in peace. I know it... Yes, I know it."

Byleth couldn't take it anymore. She hated this.

" K I L L -"

"Snap out of it, Dimitri."

Dimitri's voices were interrupted and he could hear that irritating voice from behind him.

He knew whom was behind him.



He didn't turn around.

"What do you want?"

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now