The Prince's Birthday

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A/N: This came out quick! Aha welp.

Anyways this Part focuses on Dimitri's Birthday which is on the 12/20 in the game which is also the same date right now (well where I live at least, it might still be 12/19 for some of you oops sorry) and as I'm publishing this! Happy Birthday Dimitri! I'm sure that his VA will have a blast talking about it lol. 

So yeah I just wanted to alert you all before you read that the way I wrote this part isn't exactly how it would normally go in the game. The blue lion students don't actually celebrate each other's birthdays like this but for this fanfic, I'd really like to do that. I may do the same thing in the future if I end up writing a Byleth x Claude or Byleth x Edelgard version. Speaking of those, I'm not sure when I'll start but... I think Byleth x Edelgard is more likely. I also have a question, for byleth x edelgard, would you rather me do Female Byleth x Edelgard or Male Byleth x Edelgard? I don't mind doing either (though I'm leaning towards Female Byleth due to some of the dialogue lol) 

Also the kids in the beginning of this part? I made them up and they know about Dimitri's stepmother but don't know she is from the empire. Forgot to clarify this earlier lol whoops.

Also Dimitri is turning 18 in this birthday part just letting you know.

Anyways I'll shut up now and I hope you enjoy this part!


Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter 8 and takes place before chapter 9. Takes place on the 20th of Ethereal Moon (Dimitri's Birthday). References Dimitri's support with Flayn (though it hasn't happened yet but it still references it). Also references the parts "The Grand Feast" and "Get Some Rest!"


A young Dimitri wakes up, yawning and looking bewildered. 

His father, his step mother, Rodrigue, many of his friends and other relatives surprisingly jump out of where they were hiding the moment they saw him wake up. 

"HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY PRINCE DIMITRI!" and they all gave him a hug tackle.

"Waah! Wha?" Dimitri was absolutely started with everyone suddenly giving him hug tackles.

A young child whom was also there who looked half asleep along with some of the other kids whom seem to be his friends. "Did you forget you own birthday Prince Dimitri?" 

"It seems like it" another friend of his said with his arms crossed and is standing up

"Young Prince, It's time to celebrate your wonderful birthday!" Rodrigue started hugging him.

"Come to think of it, He'll be 18 years old, in 8 years from now huh?" His step mom, Patricia said out of realisation. 

"Yes and We will both be here when he does turn 18 huh?" His father, King Lambert said hugging his own son.


Dimitri wakes up.. for real. 

"That was 10 years ago huh?" Dimitri said under his breath and was looking down, with a really sad expression. 

He shrugged it off and gets up. He gets ready by getting dressed. He is doing his normal morning school routine.

He starts heading to class like normal. The monastery atmosphere didn't seem anything out of the ordinary. 

However when he stepped into his classroom and saw that no one was there, he immediately knew why. 

Despite that he acted as if it was the most normal thing in the world and pretended to not know.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now