Broken Bridges & Bonds

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter fifteen and takes place only barely before chapter sixteen. Takes place after "Saint Indech Day" part, "Reflection" part, "Forgotten Hero" part, "Blue Blood" part, "Lost And Now Found" part, "Conflict In The Rain" part, "Endless Knot" part, "Shamir's Birthday" part and "The Argument In The Lions' Den" part. This part takes place on the 31st of Lone Moon and also the same day as chapter sixteen. Entire part is based on Chapter 16 (The Great Bridge Of Myriddan).


Today was the day to finally invade the Great Bridge of Myriddan

While Byleth's wound wasn't as bad as it was a few days ago, it was still bad. However, she couldn't sit out for this fight.

All she knew is that she had way to be way more careful in this mission.

When they arrived to the bridge, everything was going as planned.

Thankfully the leader of House Riegan, Claude, is distracting House Gloucester soldiers so they do not get in the way.

This made Byleth feel way more relaxed. She really, really didn't want to fight Lorenz...

However Gilbert, Byleth and Dimitri had to wait for Rodrigue to return before they make their move on the bridge.

One of their scouts returned, telling Gilbert the information and left.

Gilbert told Dimitri and Byleth what he was informed with. "Our scout has returned. As expected, there are quite a few Imperial soldiers stationed there."

Dimitri wasn't surprised. "I see. So, the enemy has prepared for our arrival... It matters not. I will kill them all, whether they are one or one hundred."

Byleth shook her head, objecting to that. "That's not necessary."

Dimitri frowned. "What would you do, if you saw the people who stole everything from you? If you saw them right before your eyes, living carefree lives and feeling no guilt. Would you feel nothing? Do nothing?"

Gilbert said nothing which made sense. What in the world could he say at this moment?

Byleth stayed silent and frowned. She didn't really know how to respond...

Dimitri crossed his arms. "Five years ago... Did you not deem the woman who killed Jeralt to be unforgivable?"

Byleth bit her lip. She couldn't deny that.

She still couldn't believe she risked her own students' lives just to kill Kronya...It was sickening to think about...

So Byleth couldn't really disagree with him there. She certainly did deem Kronya unforgivable.

Dimitri continued. "I am most certain that you did. You couldn't let her get away with her crime, so you took up your sword in pursuit."

Byleth opened her mouth to say something.

She wanted to deny it...

But she couldn't because he is actually correct about it...

That was exactly what she did...

She spoke loud enough for Dimitri to hear. "You're right."

"Precisely my point. We're the same, you and I."

Something about that statement just didn't feel right to say...

Dimitri just...didn't feel like he actually agreed with his own statement. It just felt so wrong to say that and he didn't know why...

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now