The Forgotten (Paralogue)

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter six and takes place before chapter seven. Takes place after the "Joke telling" part, "The Jealous Prince" part and "Sitri & Flowers" part. Takes place before "Rumoured Nuptials" part & "The Grand Feast" part. Takes place on the 15th of the Wyvern Moon. Based on Sylvain's paralogue and is meant to foreshadow events that take place many years later in this book.


Sylvain came bursting unexpectedly in class that morning.

Everyone assumed this would be another one of his jokes... but this time... things were more serious. Not to mention Byleth wasn't even there in the room yet either.

Ingrid was the first to say anything when he suddenly came in to class. "Where have you been?"

Sylvain unexpectedly frowned. "Ah sorry... This is a bit sudden but...." 

He sighed and then continued. "I'd like to ask a favour. A band of thieves that were once led by my own brother are causing trouble in Gautier's territory."

"What?!" Dimitri seemed alarmed.

"Yeah... Well.. I'll need to stop them but I cannot do that on my own. I may need a hand from you all."

"Erm is the professor ok with this?" Ingrid bit her lip.

Sylvain nodded. "Yes, she's also going to go there with me to stop these thieves from damaging anymore territories, she's just asking the archbishop about it. Is anyone willing to come with us? We cannot let the thieves run wild anymore."

Sylvain explained everything in more detail about this mission and with that, everyone agreed to go which shocked Sylvain. "Are you serious? Really?"

"Why would you be surprised? Of course we'll help out!" Ashe smiled.

 "Thank you al-"

Sylvain got interrupted when Byleth suddenly walked in.

"Professor! There you are!"

Byleth nodded towards Sylvain. "Hello Sylvain, I have checked with Rhea if we could go and she allowed it."

"Fantastic! So should we prepare?"

She nodded again which basically meant yes.

Once everyone got ready, they headed immediately to the Gautier Territories. 


When they got there, the place was entirely filled with them everywhere.

But Byleth thought of an idea, a cornering attack.

She suggested for Dedue, Mercedes, Ashe & Petra to take the left corners while Dimitri, Sylvain, Felix, Annette, Ingrid and herself will focus on the right corners.

This idea worked smoothly for the most part however it seemed the thieves were aware of their presence so it seemed like that four of them scattered around the area were trying to do an escape route for the rest of the other thieves.

Sylvain noticed this so he suggest Byleth some advice. "OK, we've got the thieves covered on both sides. Some of the thieves are still carrying what they stole, so we have a chance to get it back. Gotta be careful though. They'll run off faster than a nobleman's daughter if we just rush in. Target the strongholds to cut off their escape routes."

Byleth looked around and understood what he meant. They have a better chance at wiping the thieves out if they focus on defeating the leaders. 

Byleth, Dimitri & Sylvain weren't far off from one of them so they focused on that one.

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