Forgotten Hero (Paralogue)

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter fifteen and takes place before chapter sixteen. Takes place after the "Saint Indech Day" part and the "Reflection" part. Takes place on the 7th of Lone Moon. Based on "The Forgotten Hero" paralogue which is Marianne's paralogue. Slight references to "An Unfaded Light" part and to her some of her supports.


As Byleth walked in the Entrance Hall from the Reception Hall, she heard an angry voice scolding a shy one.

Byleth went to go and check it out.

When she was close enough she hid so she could eavesdrop.

While Eavesdropping wasn't exactly...a good hobby for someone to have, she just knew she had no choice here.

There were two people talking or rather, someone was getting scolded.

An unfamiliar man and...


Marianne was getting scolded?

What in the world for?

The unfamiliar man continued to yell at Marianne. "There's no reason to feign ignorance. I know all about you!"

For some reason, the way he was talking to Marianne...

...Made Byleth furious.

Marianne was stunned by this statement. "Wh-what are you talking about?"

Byleth was clenching her fists. Marianne was definietly being accused for something.

Byleth was trying so hard to not run in and tell this man off.

"Just come here!"

Byleth hadn't felt so angry in such a long time. The conversation between those two was REALLY getting under her skin.

She just couldn't hold back anymore.

She just couldn't bear watching.

Byleth ran in and instinctively went in front of Marianne to protect her.

Marianne seemed relieved to see Byleth but unfortunatley not relieved enough to actually feel calm. "Professor! Help!"

The unfamiliar man didn't feel even a bit threatened from Byleth's actions. "Don't interfere. Just hand the girl over to me."

Byleth snapped. "Never."

But this unfamiliar man was stubborn. "I'm telling you this for your own good. You're putting yourself in danger by associating with her."

Marianne looked sad by that comment.

Byleth's anger seemed to only increase from there. She didn't believe him one bit.

The unfamiliar man continued his argument. "Do you know of the Wandering Beast stalking the woods in the Edmund territory? It is said that it attacks people every night and drags them off to feast."

He looked up and pointed at Marianne. "The true identity of the Wandering Beast... Is that girl over there!"

Marianne was shocked and horrified of this accusation. "No! I would never..."

Byleth had enough of this guy. "Get out of here!"

The unfamiliar man was still believing in his argument. "No matter. I'll get the evidence I need..."

He finally walked away and left them.

Marianne was the first to say something. "My apologies for getting you involved in that..."

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now