One's True Feelings Part 3/3: "A Prince's Realisation"

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A/N: Warning this part might be a bit cringeworthy. I apologise if it is. Also most of the characters are kind of ooc and this part isn't great at all but it's still a very important one so please read it anyways <3


Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter eight and before chapter nine. Takes place just a few minutes after "One's True Feelings Part 2: The Ball and Goddess Tower" happens and recommended for you to read that part first before you read this part. References "The Jealous Prince" part.


Dimitri wasn't sure what to think.

As him and Byleth were leaving and heading back to the ball, he wasn't acting like himself. It was unusual.

He didn't really understand why he was feeling like this right after she said those nice words to him. It was odd and it just happened all of a sudden. His heart was beating very fast and he couldn't tell why.

"Am I in love? It... It wouldn't make sense though because why now of all times? Love doesn't just happen all of a sudden..." Dimitri was in conflict with his own thoughts.

Fortunately for Dimitri, Byleth hadn't noticed that he was acting like this yet as they were walking down the stairs.

He was trying to deny that it was... that.

He continued to act and think this way as he walked back with Byleth but then Byleth faced him as they were walking in the cathedral to the reception hall.

"Hey Dimitri, I know you may not have any- Um Dimitri are you ok?" Byleth seemed to have noticed that Dimitri was looking away and thinking to himself.

Dimitri didn't hear her. He was too consumed in his thoughts. "What am I going to do? Should I ask Sylvain about it or-"

"Dimitri, are you feeling ok?" Byleth snapped Dimitri back into reality.

"H-huh? Oh uh sorry Professor! I um.. Was a bit half asleep? Did you say something?"

"Oh well, I was actually going to ask if... Well this might sound awkward and I know you might not want to dance anymore but... Would you like to dance with me a bit later on? If that's ok with you of course..."

Dimitri unintentionally blurted out. "Um sure! I-I uh... That sounds nice!"

Byleth wasn't really expecting that answer but she smiled. "Thank you Dimitri. I hope that didn't sound forceful or awkward."

"N-no! You didn't sound like t-that at all!"

Dimitri was stuttering and Byleth now seemed a bit more aware of his unique behaviour. She couldn't help but ask. "Are you sure you're ok? You seem-"

"I'm fine! Don't w-worry! It's...fine" He looked away.

Byleth wasn't entirely convinced but before she could do anything else, they both found themselves back in the reception hall without realising it.

Thankfully for both of them, things seemed to have calmed down. Not as many students are there and both Byleth and Dimitri most likely won't have as many people asking for a dance from them.

"W-well I um... I am going to get some food! I hope that uh... I'll um see you later!" Dimitri quickly runs to where the food is.

Byleth was confused but she was offered a dance by someone to which she accepted.

Meanwhile, Dimitri quickly went to get some food around a corner in the reception and when he was going to grab something, he suddenly felt an arm on his shoulder.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now