The Tragedy Of Gronder Part 2/5: "Ignorance & Consequences"

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Post timeskip, continuation of "The Tragedy Of Gronder Part 1: "The Grand Deceased" part. Do not read this unless you've read the "The Grand Deceased" part. References "The Ashen Demon" part.


Byleth was now with Dimitri, Raphael, Hilda, Marianne, Alois, Shamir, Felix & Annette. It felt slightly unsettling.

Rodrigue had everyone else with him instead in the central area and some others were not far from Hubert. Well some of them such as Mercedes and Petra have retreated due to injuries that Byleth didn't even know that they got.

Her focusing on Bernadetta & Leonie must have a lot to do with that.

Some others such as Hapi, Yuri, Flayn, Ingrid & Dedue have already retreated due to injuries and Dimitri's wishes

Regardless, she tried to go where Claude and the Alliance are.

Still though, she suddenly saw an arrow aimed at the Kingdom Army.

Marianne got hit.

Byleth used divine pulse again to save her. Which makes this the sixth time now...

Byleth then went in front of Marianne and used her sword to get rid of the arrow so she can defend her friend.

"We must kill them all..." Dimitri exclaimed.

Raphael frowned. "Uh...but can we leave Ignatz out of it at-"

"Don't act like a fool, Raphael. Not one of them should have mercy." Dimitri cut off Raphael.


"YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO LEONIE! YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO YOUR FATHER!" One of the alliance soldiers screamed at Byleth and suddenly attacked her.

She didn't realise what was going on and indeed got hit.

"Professor!" Dimitri was worried for her.

"It's fine..I'm fine." Byleth panted.

"No you're not! That bastard could've killed you!" Dimitri started to charge towards the soldier that said that.

Byleth sighed. This injury was worse than she thought. There was no way she could get to Claude with this injury...

She used divine pulse again. The seventh time now. Only three left.

One of the alliance soldiers screamed at her. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO-"

Byleth quickly dodged and had no choice but to kill him.

"GAAAAAH! ...To hell with you... I hope you suffer Ashen Demon..." The soldier said his final words.

Byleth got goosebumps from those last words and almost protested to being called that name...but she didn't since she didn't blame the soldier for saying it..

Dimitri however, was angry to hear someone say something like that again. He wanted to stab the soldier but Hilda noticed and quickly stopped him.

"Dimitri! Stop! Do not make it worse!" Hilda yelled as she tried to go in front of Dimitri to prevent him from doing something silly.

"Move out of the way!" Dimitri wasn't having it.

Thankfully the soldier died before Dimitri could do anything brutal.

"Dammit! Why did you do that?" Dimitri asked Hilda.

No one understood this little quarrel that was going on between them.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now