The Answer...

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter nine and takes place before chapter ten. Takes place on the 22nd of the Guardian Moon. Takes place after "Chaos and Trust" part, "Jeralt's Ring & Diary" part, "An Expression" part and "Tales of the Red Canyon" part. Takes place a few hours after class is over for that day and the location is in Byleth's quarters. References "The Unknown Flames" part and "Jeralt's Ring & Diary" part.


What Byleth ended up doing after class was go back to her room this time.

She was still grieving and wasn't sure what to think.

The only person she wants to see is Sothis and Jeralt...

And Rhea and Monica too of course but that's for different reasons...

All Byleth was doing in this room was staying silent, sitting on her bed and staring at Sothis who was staring right back at her from her desk.

"What did Rhea do to me? Am I even human?" Byleth finally said something.

Sothis said nothing which irritated Byleth. "So I guess that's the answer huh? I'm truly not human."

"I've told you so many times! You don't need a heartbeat to consider yourself human!" Sothis crossed her arms.

"Yes I do! Why am I the only one without a heartbeat? Why don't I have one? Did Rhea do something to me? Is that why she's been treating me this way? I... They..."

Byleth stood up and punched the wall and groaned. "Gah! Who am I supposed to trust now? What do I do? Do I even have a purpose?"

Byleth loudly said that but thankfully no one was around the room she was in at that moment. Though if they were, that wouldn't have stopped because she couldn't careless.

Sothis was about to open her mouth to say something but Byleth cut in and continued to speak. "You only want me to be alive because if I die, you do aswell. Isn't that right?"

Sothis hissed at Byleth's assumption. "No th-"

Byleth cut off Sothis and started saying things without thinking. "Then I should just go die at this rate. My dad is gone because I wasn't strong enough to save him. I'm the reason he's dead. I'm such an idiot, I wish I never come to this stupid place. I wish I was dead! Once I kill Monica, I should join him in-"

"Byleth!" Sothis yelled.

This silenced and surprised Byleth. She never once heard Sothis call her by her first name.

Sothis continued to yell as Byleth remained silent. "Can you hear yourself? Nothing you said was true. Jeralt didn't die because of you. He died for what he believed in! He loved you and he knows that you loved him."

"I doubt that he knew how I felt about him. Heck I doubt that he knew I could feel anything. Remember? I have no heartbeat."

"But it doesn't matter if you have no heartbeat! Jeralt knew you loved him and those wishes of yours... is that how you really feel?"

Byleth bit her lip and looked away. Of course she doesn't wish she hadn't went to the monastery...

"Thought so..."

Byleth looked back at Sothis. "But he's gone... Why else should I live?"

"For the same reason as everyone else. For the same reason you were living before these events. Jeralt did the same, will you?"

Byleth didn't understand. "What do you even mean?"

"Jeralt is gone but that doesn't mean your path is gone. Once you've found out what you believe in, live for it. Like what that prince said."

"You mean how he said that I should look deep in my heart and find the answer on what I should do now?"


Byleth found herself crying again.

How can one find an answer? Can she ever figure it out?

"Do you really think I can find an answer? Even if someone like me who might not be human, looks deep into their non beating heart...?"

"You're a human. You're a kind hearted human who can feel any emotion even without a heartbeat. I know you will find an answer..."

Sothis comforted Byleth the entire rest of the day.

For Byleth, it felt nice to have so many beautiful people by her side.

She truly does hope she can take both Dimitri's and Sothis' advice to heart.

Even if that heart never beats and most likely never will.


A/N: Hey guys! I know that Sothis and Byleth are kinda out of character here but that's actually the point. Some people don't act like themselves when it comes to these types of situations. Anyways expect that to not be the only time these characters act out of line depending on certain situations though I won't say what. This also foreshadows lots of scenes in post timeskip parts so keep that in mind lol.

Anyways just a small amount of parts left before I get back to writing the post time skip parts at last lol. Love you all and thanks for reading once again! And uh... Sorry if I overdid this part with the thoughts and sadness. Also I'll try to update tomorrow or the day after because this part was kind of short and I would like to get back to the post timeskip focused chapters.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now