Conflict In The Rain

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter fifteen and takes place before chapter sixteen. Takes place after "Saint Indech Day" part, "Reflection" part, "Forgotten Hero" part, "Blue Blood" part & "Lost and Then Found" part. Takes place on the 16th of Lone Moon.


This evening, it was freezing cold.

It was like Faerghus but it was raining instead of snowing and the weather was way more gloomy here.

While today was a training day, everyone cancelled it due to the rain and how freezing it was. No one wants to risk getting a cold at this current time.

Dimitri however, decided to walk outside and stay out in the rain for a while. He went to the place that Byleth would normally fish in which wasn't far from where the greenhouse was. Although Dimitri didn't realise this was Byleth's special fishing area.

When he got there, he went next to the stairs and sat down.

He looked up and felt the rain pour down on his face and the rest of his body.

" S U F F E R "

" U N F O R G I V A B L E "

" A V E N G E      U S   "


The inner demonic voices chanted in his head again.

They were even worse than usual today.....

" M O N S T E R "

" K I L L      E V E R Y      L A S T         O N E       O F      T H E M         A L L "

Dimitri said nothing, he just nodded sadly.

"I must...avenge them all. That's the reason I should live anyways..."

" E X A C T L Y "

The rain suddenly got worse.

It kind of reminds him when...he found Byleth crying when she lost her father.

And how much it was raining back then.

It was such a painful memory.

He then looked slightly to his left and saw that there was a bright candle light from the greenhouse for some reason.

His eyes then looked through the windows of the greenhouse and saw that there was someone taking care of the flowers.

The person then left the greenhouse.

He realised with a start that it was Byleth.

He was hoping that she wouldn't see him here.

And yet... he sort of wished that she could see him...

However, she didn't look chipper at all.

Nor did she look bored or anything of the sort.

She just looked...a bit sad.

She just walked a bit out of the greenhouse and let the rain pour on her.

It was as if she didn't even care that it was raining.

She threw a sigh and started walking in Dimitri's direction, she still couldn't see him due to the wall of the stairs blocking him from sight.

She then walked past and caught a glimpse to where Dimitri was.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now