That Fateful Meeting

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The beginning of the game.


This day... who knew that it changed destiny and fate for two?

The day that these two beings first met and the start of their Irreplaceable Love from here.

The day that changed both of their lives forever and they would've never realised it until many years later...

That day was in Great Tree Moon, Year 1180.

The beginning was... Well It was kind of a weird beginning but to put it more simply...

Bandits were chasing after three students who were also the leaders of their class/house.

One student named Edelgard, one student named Dimitri and one named Claude.

Claude ran and the other two followed.

There were mercenaries nearby and so the students had no choice but to ask for their assistance. They found two mercenaries, an old looking man and a young girl with blue hair. This young girl seems to be about their age. From the way the old looking mercenary talks to the blue haired girl, it seems like she is his daughter and that daughter's name was Byleth.

The old man didn't seem to be thrilled about the bandits or the students for that matter but he and his daughter assisted them as much as they could.

All three students were stunned and surprised at how skilled these two mercenaries were. Especially since the daughter was around their age and made the three house leaders look weak in comparison.

Later on, Alois recommended her to the church to be a professor, which she ended up being a professor for the monastery. She had to choose one house out of three houses to lead. To Dimitri's surprise, she ended up choosing his house.

The Blue Lion house...

For that moon, Byleth and her class trained for the upcoming mock battle between the three classes.

And then, after winning the first mock battle, there was a victory celebration in the dining hall. Everyone seemed so happy and overjoyed.

Well except for the professor. She didn't really show much emotion even though they won. In fact she never did show any emotions for the first few months. She seemed to be emotionless almost all the time and Dimitri could never tell what she was thinking. It made him feel unnerved.

Little did either know though, that the other would become so important to them...


A/N: Introduction is up yay (don't worry, not all of them are this short). Feel free to share criticism (but please stay kind, after all I have never done something like this before and I feel pretty nervous to even submit this)

Feedback is appreciated and I would love requests <3

- Luna


Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now