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Post time skip, takes place after chapter 13 and takes place before chapter 14. Takes place on the fifth of the Guardian Moon. The day after "Silence" part and references "Joke telling" part.


Despite the fact that Byleth wasn't really a teacher anymore, she was going to instruct the army just like she did back in the officers academy days.

There was no doubt that everyone's strength had greatly increased in the last five years but most of them believe that her guidance/influence from back then had a lot to do with it.

So they set up to do training and instructing just like back then, in the beginning of each week.

The first session starts at the Fifth of Guardian Moon, in the morning.

When the time came, majority of the army were there.

In fact everyone was but one.


Byleth sighed when she was sitting on her seat when she noticed. "Has anyone see Dimitri?"

Dorothea frowns and looks down. "Yes. He's at the Cathedral.. again."

"Strange. I could've sworn I told him about the sessions... Sylvain sorry to ask but could you please tell Dimitri about the instruction schedule and bring him here?"

Sylvain shook his head. "No can do Professor. I already tried to talk to him and I told him about this but he refused to come here. I tried my best to have him come but he just kept telling me off."

"Then why don't we try again? I'm sure he'll listen especially if the professor is the one to tell him!" Caspar seemed confident but naive.

"Uh no that's... a terrible idea. We should just leave him be for now. Right Professor?" Hilda turned towards Byleth.

"Well.. I... I think Caspar is right. Maybe someone should try again to bring him here." Byleth spoke up.

No one really expected that answer from Byleth. Not even Caspar but he was thrilled anyways.

Hilda seemed stunned by that response and stretched out her arms. "You serious? Wow... Uh good luck then I guess because there is no way I can be bothered to help you guys."

"Alright then, I'll do it! I run to him right now!" Caspar dashed out of the room.

"Caspar wait up!" Byleth ran after him.

Felix threw out a massive sigh while the others were just thinking to themselves.


Dimitri was just standing in front of the broken pieces of the cathedral once again. Looking down like he was lifeless.

"Hey! Dimitri!" He heard some voice that weren't ghosts. Dimitri didn't care enough to look for the owner of that voice.

Caspar and Byleth suddenly appeared behind him.

"Dimitri! What the heck are you doing here?"

Byleth wasn't fond of the type of tone that Caspar was using because she knew that Dimitri would hate it.

"..." Dimitri didn't even respond at all and just continued to look down as if neither of them are there.

Caspar put his hand on Dimitri's shoulder. "Come on, don't you think you have been in the Cathedral long enough? It's time to train so we can all get stronger for the Imperial Army."

Dimitri finally faced Caspar, furiously. He aggressively puts off the hand that Caspar had on his shoulder and even slightly hurt Caspar's hand from doing that.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now