True Chivalry (Paralogue)

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Pre timeskip, Takes place after chapter seven and takes place before chapter eight. Takes place after "Get Some Rest" part, "A Secret" part, "Heartwarming Smile" part and "An Unusual Jealous Prince" part. Takes place on the 16th of the Red Wolf Moon. Based on Felix's paralogue and is meant to foreshadow events that take place many years later in this book.


Byleth was just randomly standing around in the common room.

She just found herself standing there for a while until someone finally walked in.

"There you are. I was looking for you."

Byleth was slightly startled after hearing that voice all of a sudden. She turned her head towards whoever it was that said that. The owner of that voice was Felix.

Before she could respond, Felix spoke. "I need a favour."

Byleth gave him a confused look. "It's unusual for you to ask for help."

Felix nodded. "Yes. It's an unusual favour."

Then Felix looked down, slightly frowning. "My father sent a messenger. He wants me to return to Fraldarius territory."

"Your father?" Byleth asked. She feels like she has met Felix's father before.

Felix answered her question. "Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius, the highest ranking member of the Faerghus nobility. I believe you've met. So I heard."

Felix went straight back to the topic on the favour. "But about the favour. You're familiar with the Tragedy of Duscur, I presume?"

Byleth didn't exactly know that much about it but she does know from what Ashe, Catherine and Dimitri told her from that one mission. She is yet to know all of the details but she certainly was familiar with it and what happened to the king and all those involved. "I am."

Felix looked down as he started to speak again. "After the king's death, public order disintegrated. Bandits continue to raid villages across the Kingdom, including those within Fraldarius territory. My father says he needs my help driving the bandits away."

Byleth knew where this was going. "And you want me to join you?"

Felix did a small grin after she said that. "Precisely. Good guess."

Then his grin slightly fell. "Perhaps I shouldn't pull you into this... It stems from my family's failure to secure the region. But honestly, I want to see you in action. I never tire of watching you fight. And it'll be much more interesting for you than the training ground. Or maybe this task--driving off bandits--seems dull to a former mercenary?"

Byleth thought a bit before she answered but she didn't really have any other plans at that moment. She nodded. "I'll join you." 

Felix seemed pleased even though he didn't exactly show it. "Excellent! While I'm at it, I have a second favour to ask of you. Could you recruit more fighters? I bet there will be willing volunteers, if you're the one inviting them. I'll set off on my own, and meet up with you there."

Byleth nodded and with that Felix left the room then she did to ask the rest of her students.


Byleth was able to convince many to come with her to this mission and she arrived seeing Felix who looked relieved when she came. He kept giving his father whom was struggling against the bandits, a look that showed how disgusted he was of him.

Felix even made a comment about it. "Hmph. Struggling to defeat some bandits? What a pathetic old man my father is."

He shook his head and looked at Byleth. He alerted her the main problem they should prioritise. "Some villagers are trapped. Let's help them escape." 

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now