Out of the Blue

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter 17 and takes place before chapter 18. Takes place after "Forgiveness and Troubles" part and takes place after "Suspenseful Shopping" part. Takes place on the fourteenth of Harpstring Moon. Takes place after and references Ashe and Caspar's A Support. 


When Byleth was finally satisfied with catching the right amount of fish -  the amount Flayn requested - she immediately went to go and look for Flayn.

She asked around beforehand where Flayn was and she was apparently seen heading off to the second floor, so Byleth made her way up there.

When she made it up the stairs, she assumed that Flayn was in the audience chamber so she walked there first thing while carrying a bag filled with fish.

However when she arrived there, the chamber was empty.

"Hmm...maybe she's in Seteth's office." She said to herself out loud.

She then turned around to go south to see if Flayn was there.

Byleth peeked her head out the doorway but Flayn wasn't there either.

She turned back and made her way to the cardinals' room since that was the only place she could think of.

As she walked closer to the room, she checked the bag; the fish were rustling around in there.

Then unexpectedly she heard voices through the walls.

"How many soldiers can we truly predict?"

This sounded like Annette.

Byleth being curious, walked faster and poked her head from the entrance of the cardinals' room to see what was going on.

To her relief, Flayn was indeed there but not alone.

Gilbert, Annette, Dimitri, Alois, Ingrid, Caspar, Felix, Ashe and Shamir were all there too.

She placed the bag of fish on the ground next to her to focus on what they were talking about.

"I cannot guarantee the numbers even if I once was living there. I have no idea what Cornelia has done concerning them." Dimitri sighed.

Gilbert nodded at Dimitri's comment. "Indeed. There is no telling what has happened but it is a likely scenario that Cornelia has more soldiers, considering the empire."

"You know boar, I've been meaning to ask you this about the mission." Felix crossed his arms.

All the attention moved to Felix.

And while they focussed on Felix, no one caught a certain animal jumping out of Ashe's bag. The animal then walked towards Byleth.

"What will be the main objective? To kill all of the soldiers on the battlefield?" Felix said in his pushy, cold tone.

Dimitri shook his head immediately. "No. All I ask that you all stay alive and win this battle. There is no point in any needless deaths for both armies. While the Professor will be commanding the army again, I will remind her that the most important thing is to win without loss of life - because that's all I ask. I hope that makes sense."

Byleth overhearing this, blinked at his proposal, she didn't know he wanted less loss of lives in both armies..

Part of her wasn't sure if she agreed with this idea because it was not an easy strategy; but at the same time, she realised he was committed to caring about the lives of soldiers, and this was Dimitri himself talking, not the ghosts that haunted him - he was making his own opinions known, not the thoughts and revenge of the dead ...Byleth was happy about this, and also very relieved.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now