The Tragedy Of Gronder Part 4/5: "Live For What You Believe In."

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Post timeskip, takes place later the same day as Chapter seventeen. Takes place a few hours after events The Tragedy Of Gronder Part 1. Do not read any further if you haven't read that one. References "That Fateful Meeting" part, "Heartbreaking tears" part, part 8-10 of the "Nowhere left to hide" arc, all parts of "One's True Feelings" arc, "The Answer..." part & "In The Dark" part.


Dimitri's eyes start to flutter open.

He looks up to the bright blue sky. confused so he leans up and then stands up.

He seems to some grassy field...

He also can see through two eyes was weird.

He wasn't in Faerghus because it was insanely hot so..he couldn't tell at the moment.

"Was that all...just a dream? But it felt too real..." He wondered.

"Dimitri! There you are!" A familiar, happy voice called out to him.

Dimitri turns around to see Rodrigue.

"Oh! Hello there Rodrigue!" Dimitri sighed in relief.

"That scary death I saw of him, it wasn't real...Oh my god...thank goodness it wasn't real." He thought to himself

Rodrigue ran to him and gently grabbed his hand. "We've all been looking for you! Come on! Let's go!"

"Huh? Where are we going?" Dimitri tilted his head.

"We are going to see Lambert! He has a special present for you!" He grins.

Dimitri was a bit weirded out.

Dimitri quietly asked himself. "Wait...everything that happened in those years... Was that all just a dream?"

"Oh yeah...that's right." Rodrigue stood still.

Dimitri looked up at him, all confused at the sudden seriousness of Rodrigue.

"He's dead and so am I...BECAUSE OF YOU!" Rodrigue suddenly had a weapon stabbed in him from behind and then dropped to the ground.

"Wha..?" Dimitri backed away.

Now he could only see out of one eye just like that dream he had.

"YOU DIDN'T AVENGE US!" His stepmother showed up behind him.

He quickly turned around and walked backwards in fear. "I...Step mother! No! I..."

"WHAT KIND OF SON ARE YOU?!" Then Lambert suddenly appeared behind Dimitri.

"F-father!" Dimitri turned around again and walked backwards.

"What is going on? What is this...?"

He trips over and falls on something.

He turns around to see what he falls on.

Some's surprising he didn't break it...

He looked into his reflection. It was the same look he had in that "nightmare" from earlier.

He then touched it and it wilted like a flower, creeping him out.

He stood up and tried to run away in fear. He had no idea what was happening...

"KILL EDELGARD!" Glenn yelled.

"Glenn!" Dimitri shrieked.

" K I L L "

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