Nowhere Left To Hide Part 10/10: "The Millennium Festival"

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A/N: Here it is! The last part of Nowhere left to hide yay. I changed the story slightly sorry about that and this has A LOT of retelling but I did add new parts to it. Also this is the longest part I've ever written for this book so please keep that in mind. Anyways rambling over. Let's get to it!


Right after "Nowhere left to hide part 9: Reunited" and when Byleth & Dimitri make it to the thieves' area


Byleth & Dimitri made it to the main place where thieves are hunting for treasure.

It was still shocking that the monastery had become the perfect place for thieves even though it had been five years...

There were so many of them scattered around the place. Even though Byleth and Dimitri were strong, she wasn't entirely confident that they'd be able to win this fight since they were at a major disadvantage.

However when they did get there, Dimitri had finally said something. "It smells of blood and sewage. Seems I've finally found their nest."

The main leader of these thieves (whose name was Pallardo) must of somehow heard Dimitri because the leader shifted his attention on him. Once he realised the situation, he had something to command to all of the other thieves and bandits working with him. "What the... Intruders! Protect the goods!"

And so all of the thieves around them started to prepare for battle. They even thought that once they've killed the intruders, they could take some hidden treasure from them.

With this, Byleth and Dimitri themselves had also prepared for battle.

Before Byleth could do anything, Dimitri said something again. "Shall we go rat hunting? Don't let a single vermin escape!"

Byleth didn't respond and just started to command.

Surprisingly though, Dimitri is sort of listening to her when it comes to commanding. Most likely because he knew that her type of commanding had never failed once before.

Though he didn't always entirely listen unfortunately.

There were too many thieves for them both to take. There were way too many.

This didn't stop Dimitri though. It didn't seem like anything would at all.

Byleth focused on a few thieves at once due to how outnumbered she was compared to everyone else.

There were many archers, brawlers & swordsmen aiming towards her. Dimitri also had his hands covered with many other thieves around him.

Unlike her though, he seemed to have more things under control when it came to fighting them.

He had gotten much stronger in these past five years.

It scares Byleth to think how or why he got stronger.

She didn't question him about it though, she clearly didn't want to hear the answer.

Byleth was still surrounded, she decided to use some concoctions to heal herself from being hit from those archers.

She did counter attack a lot of the thieves and did kill but she still continued to get hurt especially from the archers.

Dimitri also started to struggle and get more surrounded. Clearly neither of them were going to do to well here.

Byleth could see some people arriving. She couldn't see them but she was really hoping there weren't more thieves arriving.

If so, she may have to use divine pulse. She tries to avoid using it but if there are indeed more thieves, the chances of her and Dimitri winning this fight would be low.

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