One's True Feelings Part 2/3: "The Ball and Goddess Tower"

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter eight and takes place before chapter nine. Takes place in the evening of the same day of One's True Feelings Part 1. Recommended for you to read that one first. Also a big reference to the "Heartwarming smile" part.


The Ball was going to start anytime now.

Byleth spent literally the entire day with Annette, Ingrid & Mercedes. Annette and Mercedes sure took their time to have fun putting on Byleth's makeup.

Despite that, Byleth ended up having very little amount of makeup because she had no interest in wearing it for this ball.

Now that it was over, it was almost time for the ball to start so they all went to the reception hall together.

When they arrived, they were pretty impressed. It was decorated wonderfully and filled with students holding drinks. None of the four even knew who more than half of the students were in the room.

"Wow! This place looks amazing! Ahhh I'm so excited." Annette squealed.

"I know! This will be so much fun!" Mercedes squealed with her friend.

Meanwhile, Ingrid's eyes were more focused on... the amount of food that was there. She looked oddly excited.

Byleth looked around with her eyes everywhere in the room. She saw everyone. Even Hapi, Felix and the knights of Seiros were there. Alois looked excited to watch the students start dancing.

However Byleth noticed that a certain someone was absent.

Actually three people were.

The house leaders!

"Hey, do you guys know where Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude are?" Byleth asked.

Ingrid quickly answered. "I don't know about Claude but from what I know Edelgard and His Highness have plans on dancing with someone else first, I'm not entirely sure why."

Byleth felt a bit disappointed but she didn't know why. Sothis noticed it too.

"Is that disappointment I sense from you? Why is that so? Did you want to dance with the prince?"  Sothis picked on Byleth.

Byleth shook her head as she quietly spoke back to Sothis. "Don't be an idiot Sothis."

"Oh so you wanted to dance with the emperor instead then huh?" Sothis joked.

Byleth sighed as Sothis chuckled. She didn't even bother responding to that one.

Ingrid spoke again. "Well, want to grab some food with me?"

Mercedes and Annette nodded but Byleth shook her head. "I'm not too peckish. Go have fun you three."

"Ok! See you in a bit!" Mercedes smiled and then the three went over to grab some food.

Byleth chuckled to herself and kept the smile on her face. Sure Annette and Mercedes were... quite unusual today but it was always a pleasure to spend time with them and Ingrid.

The lights started to get a bit darker in the room and a lot of the students started looking towards the main entrance of the reception hall. Byleth followed their eyes and she saw that many people were walking in, including Edelgard and Dimitri.

Most people went to the side and so did Byleth so they could all watch them dance.

The people that were walking from the entrance, stopped when they went to the main middle of the room.

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