A Dance Representative

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Pre time skip, takes place after chapter 8 and takes place before chapter 9. After Marianne has joined the Blue Lions. Takes place on the Fifth of the Ethereal Moon. Takes place before "An Interest" part, "Washing Dishes" part and "Wonders of the Future" part. Based on the White Heron Cup request made by Rhea. Also inspired by a comic. Includes DLC characters (Yuri & Hapi) but doesn't spoil the side story.


There was a dance competition taking place later this month.

This competition was better known as the "White Heron Cup" and each class needed a representative for the competition.

Byleth hadn't picked anyone yet...

Friday came along and the competition was around eleven days from then.

Almost all the students were in class on time that day and Byleth was there too.

However there were three missing...

Ingrid, Dorothea & Mercedes.

Fortunately though, Annette said that they were going to be a bit late.

Byleth nodded but instead of starting class, she brought something else on first.

"So are you all aware of the White Heron Cup?" Byleth asked out of the blue.

The students had a mixed reaction to that question. Some of the students' eyes were filled with excitement, others such as Ashe covered their face in horror, others rolled their eyes & the rest such as Dimitri, were lost in thought about something else.

Petra broke the silence though. "Yes, speaking of which, who do you plan on representing the White Heron Cup?"

Byleth looked a bit puzzled. "Ah yes... That is what I wanted to talk about first actually. I haven't picked someone yet. Picking someone is a bit harder than I thought it would be but mainly because you might need to be skilled in sword skills and magic along with it. Not sure why really, Rhea recommended this but regardless... would anyone like to volunteer?"

Annette, Petra & Flayn all seemed pale after that comment because they were only skilled in one of those two. They were going to volunteer but after those last two sentences, they decided not to.

Everyone though, stayed silent but Byleth didn't want to give on the idea there.

"Felix. Would you li-"

Felix shook his head. "Never"

Byleth wasn't really surprised to hear that answer. "Noted. Um Ashe, what about you?"

This startled Ashe "H-huh? Me?! I.. er don't think I will."

"Hmm... Yuri, why don't give it a try? Your great with magic and swords. I have also heard that yo-"

Yuri looked mortified. "Sorry Professor but no way in hell am I ever going to do that..." 

Yuri then turned towards Hapi and gave her a smirk. "Why not you Hapi?"

Hapi gave him a disappointed look. "...You're just trying to be mean to me now, aren't you Yuribird?"

"I'll take that as a no from both of you." Byleth sighed.

Yuri then brought the attention towards three others who haven't been asked yet and then spoke. "Dedue? Marianne? Annette? What about you guys?"

"W-wha?! Err that's not- not r-really a good idea. Um sorry but.. I'll um pass." Marianne looked down.

Dedue shook his head. "I'll do it if no one does it but... it would be wise if I don't get picked."

Annette shook her head. "I love dancing but I'm not good at um... using swords. You know your best option Professor is Dorothea. She meets the requirements better than everyone else."

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now