One's True Feelings Part 1/3: "The Morning of the 25th"

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A/N: We are finally doing the ball/goddess tower arc. I've wanted to do this for a while but I've been scared that I'll screw it up because this arc will be filled with some of the most important parts in this book. You'll find out why soon but it is. Anyways, this arc will basically be focusing on the entire day of the 25th of Ethereal Moon which is also the same day as the ball ingame. While I will stick to the ingame original dialogue, I still will change a lot of things that didn't really happen back then. This first part of the arc will take place in the morning which is hours before the ball starts. It will focus a lot on what characters are doing in specific times etc. It will also include a foreshadowing scenes. "The Professor's Birthday" part will also make way more sense after this. The next part will be based on dancing in the ball, the goddess tower and the remaining time left after the goddess tower. Also we are close to fifty parts so I feel like it is appropriate to do this now and you guys deserve it. Let's pray that I don't screw this up... Anyways, I hope you enjoy this arc! :D


Pre time skip, takes place after chapter eight and takes place before chapter nine. Takes place after "The Unknown Flames" part, "A Dance Representative" part, "An Interest" part, "Washing Dishes" part, "Bernadetta's Birthday Presents & Smiles" part, "White Heron Cup" part, "The Prince's Birthday" part & "Wonders of the Future" part. Takes place before "Heart breaking tears" part. Takes place on the twenty fifth of the Ethereal Moon. Based on the ball and goddess tower events. References the C support between Ingrid and Annette. References B support between Dimitri and Sylvain.


Byleth woke up due the loud knocks on her door.

"Professor! Are you here?" A familiar voice said from outside her door.

Byleth was too tired to bother trying to recognise the owner of the voice. "I'm here... Just I need to get dressed."

When she got dressed, she opened the door to see Annette, Mercedes and Ingrid. Unlike Annette and Mercedes whom had very excited expressions on their faces, Ingrid looked nervous.

Byleth didn't really know what to make of this.

"Hello Professor! Sorry! Did we wake you up?" Annette looked slightly troubled all of a sudden when she realised that.

"Sort of but It's not a big deal. Was there something you needed?" Byleth yawned a bit.

"Well~" Mercedes grinned.

"We'd love to put some makeup on you for the ball tonight!" Annette cut straight to the point.

Byleth gave her a weird look. "Um... Makeup?"

Annette begged her. "Please Professor! Just can we give it a try on you!? You don't have to wear it tonight if you don't want to since you are already beautiful but... it'll be so much fun to try! Please?!"

Ingrid sighed. "It seems like they want to put makeup on us both."

Byleth slightly frowned but nodded. "Um... Just a little."

"Hooray! Thank You Professor!" Mercedes continued to smile.

Annette suddenly grabbed Byleth's arm and took her to Mercedes' room while Ingrid was slowly walking behind with Mercedes.

Byleth wasn't sure what she got herself into but it was clear she was going to be stuck with them for hours...

Annette waited for Mercedes and Ingrid to hurry up before she started anything. When they got there, she closed the door and asked for Byleth to sit down on the chair.

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