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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter sixteen and takes place before chapter seventeen. Takes place after "Reasons..." part, "A Promised Trip" part, "Peculiar" part & "A Dagger" part. Takes place on the 14th of Great Tree Moon. Recommended for you to read "Broken Bridges & Bonds" and "Peculiar" part before this one. Before Byleth & Felix's A Support.


In the late afternoon, Byleth and Felix were having a sparring match once again.

Though it was a bit close, Byleth was still in the lead.

"Hyaaah!" Byleth almost won but Felix quickly dodged.

He aimed but she quickly defended herself in time.

It was relieving that the injury from a few days ago wasn't affecting her majorly like before, if it still injured her badly then she probably wouldn't be sparring with Felix.

Felix slightly lost his balance which gave Byleth a chance to win.

"Think fast." Byleth taunted in a playful way.



Byleth had won once again which left Felix feeling disappointed in himself.

"I lost again..." Felix sighed.

Byleth tried to cheer him up. "Aw sorry Felix. I know you can beat me soon though!"

Felix groaned at her consolation. "Ugh..you sound like Mercedes.. You don't need to say it like that."

Byleth then crossed her arms and joked with him with some deep voice. "Ok, sorry that I beat you again...?"

"A bit much..." Felix frowned.

Byleth sighed and face palmed as she thought to herself. "You're impossible Felix."

Felix then spoke again. "I gotta say though, your sword techniques are- ...?"

He cut himself off when he thought he saw something.

Byleth was confused. "Is something wrong?"

"It seems like someone was hiding and watching our sparring match." Felix didn't hesitate in pointing out.

"Huh?!" Byleth looked at where he was pointing.

Her eyes widened when she saw what he was talking about.


It was the maiden from before again. The child they met at the great bridge of Myriddin.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude!" She looked ashamed of herself.

"Was there something you needed?" Felix asked unintentionally in a cold tone.

"Well...I um.. Nothing really. I just watched you guys sparring. You both are amazing!" The child looked excited.

The child's excitement... It reminded Byleth of something else...

It reminded Byleth of that time when she was helping the orphans that were staying at the monastery..

Speaking of which, Byleth wonders how they are now..

They moved to imperial territory the last time she saw them. She hopes that they're ok.

Felix just looked away and said nothing to the child's comment.


This got really awkward now..

Byleth wasn't sure what to say so she said something simple. "Thank you. That's very nice of you."

The little girl grinned which should've made Byleth feel relieved but...

For some reason it didn't.

The grin felt a bit insincere.

Felix sighed. "So, is that boar prince teaching you how to get revenge?"

The child tilted her head in confusion. "Um..boar?"

"Dimitri or His Highness." Byleth clarified, shooting Felix a look that he pretended to not see.

The child looked like she was trying to not laugh at the insult. "Ah..well, sort of...?"

"Of course he is... What an idiot." Felix said cruelly.

"Oh? I thought you all were fighting for the same reason?" The child was surprised.

"Of course not. I have my reasons and unlike him, I have no interest in stacking up corpses. Same could be said for anyone here that isn't a fool like my old man."


Byleth sighed at that comment.

The child on the other hand was still surprised. "Ah. Interesting."

"Why? You gonna judge me for it?" Felix taunted.

The child shook her head. "Why would I? I'm actually happy to see that everyone has their own reasons for fighting. I'm guessing the lady commander next to you has her own reasons that aren't really about revenge. It's cool."

The child was...certainly unusual.

Felix crossed his arms. "Huh. I guess you get it. Wish that boar could. You're surprisingly mature for someone who wants to get revenge."

Byleth's frown stayed on her face still even now.

The child smiled even though that wasn't really a compliment. "Why thank you. You're very nice."

Felix closed his eyes. "Um...That wasn't- Whatever. Why am I still here anyways? Just let me know when you want to have another match later Professor."

Felix opened his eyes and left Byleth with the child.

Byleth and the child just stared at each other. Not really knowing what to say.

"Um...I'll see you around, I suppose." Byleth walked away too.

The child said nothing, just waved...


"What was that all about?" Byleth wondered to herself as she left.


Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now