Get Some Rest!

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Pre timeskip, takes place before chapter eight and takes place after chapter seven. Takes place on the fifth of the Red Wolf Moon. Also takes place after Byleth and Mercedes' C Support and before the part "Heartwarming smile".


Byleth sometimes pushes herself a bit too hard.

Around 2 moons ago, Mercedes advised the professor to take care of herself, to not push herself too hard trying to be a good role model for her own students. She was worried that the professor might be working too hard and not having enough rest. 

Byleth thanked Mercedes for the advice but told her there was nothing to worry about. Mercedes didn't believe her at the time but didn't say anything. 

However she wished she did because she realised that this moon, the professor seemed to be acting quite... sleepy. It was also reported by a few others, she was also seen going back to her room very late and a lot later than usual.

She realised that the professor had been lacking sleep and been pushing herself too hard that month. She confronted the professor about it but the professor continued to deny it. Mercedes tried to think of an option.

One day, a few hours after class, Mercedes was lost in thought and seem to look very concerned. This didn't go unnoticed by Dimitri. He was confused to see what the girl was concerned about.

Dimitri went over to Mercedes and asked her "Mercedes? Is there something troubling you?"

This seemed to have startled Mercedes since it kind of came out of nowhere.

"Oh Dimitri! Hello, sorry you startled me a little..." Mercedes said to him

Dimitri apologised "Ah.. my apologies Mercedes, I didn't mean to startle you but I noticed you seem concerned and out of thought... Is something bothering you?"

There was a bit of a long pause until Dimitri broke the silence "Oh but uh.. You don't have to tell me if you don't-"

Dimitri was interrupted by Mercedes "Thanks Dimitri, I hate to admit but... there is something bothering me"

"Well I hope you don't mind me asking but what exactly is bothering you and would you like me to do something about?" Dimitri asked

Mercedes smiles and quickly answered his question. "I don't mind" 

Mercedes hesitates but continued. "It's just... the professor"

Dimitri seemed a bit more alarmed but was also confused. "The... Professor?"

Mercedes continues "Have you noticed she seemed... you know a bit more, I guess drowsy or even overworked this month?"

There was a bit of a long pause. Dimitri was thinking about her behaviour and realised that she was right. The professor did seem to be pretty exhausted this month.

"I... have noticed, yes" Dimitri looks down

"I'm just feeling concerned that she is pushing herself too hard and she's getting a lack of sleep from it. I confronted her about but she denied it. However I can tell she's just saying that to not let me worry. I also have heard reports about her training in the training grounds, cleaning up certain places and the sort, really late in the night. I'm worried about her and for her health.." Mercedes said anxiously.

Dimitri had no idea that she was staying up so late and doing all of that work. Sure he never went in some places in the monastery at night but he is doubtful of her being there. He couldn't really believe this concern Mercedes had and thinks Mercedes is exaggerating.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now