Jeralt's Ring & Diary

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter nine and takes place before chapter ten. Takes place on the 7th of the Guardian Moon. Takes place before "An Expression" part and "Tales of the Red Canyon" part. Mainly references "Heartbreaking Tears" part. Also references "Get Some Rest!" 


Byleth wasn't very social anymore like she was for the past few months.

All she did was fish, train at the training grounds and teach. That was all. 

Then again, no one could really blame her for feeling that way. 

On the morning of the 7th though, Byleth remembered something.

That Jeralt left something behind for her and how she had also needed to read more of his diary.

So when she got dressed, that was the first thing she did. 

She left her quarters, not realising what time it was.

She made her way to Jeralt's quarters and managed to stay surprisingly unseen.

Sothis realised what Byleth was doing here. "...Oh that's right! Your father left something behind for you... Well, do you know where it could be?"

Byleth frowned. She knew that Jeralt's diary was on his desk but she didn't really know where the gift he left for her was.

Byleth shook her head which made Sothis look a bit disappointed. "I see... Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try and look for it. I doubt your father made it too difficult. So what he left behind was a bag, correct?"

Byleth nodded.

"And he mentioned that there was something special in that bag for you to keep, right?"

Byleth nodded once again.

"Hmm... Maybe..." Sothis thought to herself as she looked around with her eyes. Byleth checked near the desk which was where the diary was.

Sothis turned her head towards a shelf near the door of Jeralt's room and something caught her attention. "Oh? Is something hiding just behind that book?"

Byleth turned her head towards where Sothis was looking and referring to.

She went over to the shelf and saw that there was something behind the book called "Encyclopedia of Fodlan's Fish"

She pulled the book out and saw that there was a small leather bag. 

She opened it and then... 

She felt like crying.

It was a ring but not just any ring.

It was the same ring that Jeralt had given to her mother. 

She remembers when he told her about the ring and mentioned how he hopes that she'd give it to someone, someday.

She remembered those words he said about that ring to her... so vividly.

"This ring is the only keepsake I have of her. In time, it will be yours. One day, I hope you'll give this ring to someone you love as well as I love her."

Byleth wiped away a tear as she remembered that. 

Sothis recognised the ring. "That ring! I have seen it before... Ah, I know! Jeralt showed that ring to you beside a grave... Do you recall?"

Byleth nodded. Sothis continued. "He said he wished for you to have that ring one day. That means it's yours. He also said that you should gift that ring to someone special."

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