Joke telling

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A/N: Hey guys, here's another part like I promised!

Ok forgive me for rambling but this is important to understand... so this is a part with Alois and takes place after his C support with Dimitri and it also takes place after his B support with Petra. However it's during a month that takes place before Alois is recruitable but I honestly feel like it's the only way this story can work (unless I make this a post time skip one but that would be way to late in game for this story to make sense and It feels right for this story to come earlier) so I'm going to have to pretend here that it happened. Sorry about this, I'll try to avoid inconsistencies like this in future stories. Alois won't be recruited here at this point though, he'll just be lending a hand with Byleth's class in some random mission on a Saturday that month. If you are confused, please let me know so I can do a better job at explaining things.

Oh yeah and I wanted to add Petra to this one because I felt like she would have been a nice addition. She and a few other characters will indeed be part of the BL class even in timeskip but I wont tell you everyone else just yet. Just keep in Mind Dorothea, Marianne and Petra are 100%  going to be part of BL for the rest of this series (well... except for the first 4 chapters in the game at the very least, no characters from other houses will be in BL at that point)

Anyways I hope you enjoy this story. Sorry if its confusing and/or not well written, I'll try to avoid that in the future (especially since another joketelling story with Alois, Byleth & Dimitri will probably happen at one point or another)


Pre time skip, takes place after chapter 6 and sometime before chapter 7. Takes place after C support between Alois and Dimitri. Takes place after B support between Petra and Alois. Takes place on the 3rd of Wyvern Moon.


Dimitri wasn't known much for humour.

Byleth wasn't oblivious to this fact. She had seen Dimitri chuckle a few times including earlier that moon when he teased her about her smile but she never saw and/or heard him properly laugh.

Of course the same could be said for her on how she hasn't been heard or seen laughing that often but people (for example, Sylvain or his other friends) were more reluctant to point out Dimitri's humour or rather, 'so called lack of humour. 

However just like how she never ceases to surprise Dimitri, he never ceased to surprise her this moon. When she heard a long, happy and genuine laugh from him for the first time, after one of their battles.

What happened was, Alois insisted on helping out her and her class out on a battle they went on that given month.

And of course... Alois's strength was very useful in that battle and the battle ended up being a success.

"Great Job everyone! You did really well out there, I see that the professor taught you all really well. Good thing I recommended her to the church haha" Alois said proudly to everyone.

"Thank you very much Alois but I have to say, you did an amazing job yourself!" Annette said in high spirits towards Alois.

"Yes I must agree with Annette, you're very skilled. I can see how you got into the knights of Seiros" Dimitri nodded.

Alois was feeling a bit embarrassed. "Ah Thank you but I uh do think your exaggerating a bit."

Felix says in his usual tone "The boar prince doesn't usually just say that someone is that skilled often. The last time the Boar said something like that was when the professor first came here. I wouldn't mind sparring with you some time since you did seem pretty skilled out there in battle."

Alois looked at Felix in confusion, unsure of who this  "boar" is. "Boar...?"

Dimitri whispered to Alois. "Felix has a sharp tongue and always calls me Boar or Boar Prince"

Alois found an opportunity to let out one of his jokes which he guarantees will make Dimitri laugh longer than last time... Just as he promised Dimitri back then that he would.

So then he turned his head towards Felix.

"Felix I must say, that is the most unboarable name I've ever heard. I mean seriously, It's a very boaring name."

Everyone went silent. 

Everyone went awkwardly silent...

Ingrid whispers to Sylvain "....uh do you know... if that was meant to be a joke?"

Sylvain whispers back to Ingrid "......Not even I can tell"

Felix threw out a massive sigh and face palmed at the joke.

Byleth said nothing because she wasn't sure how to respond to this... conversation.

Petra was about to say something but then a big laugh came out from someone, startling everyone. 

Especially Byleth and Dedue        

Dimitri bursted out laughing "Alois your jokes are just- I can't-"

His sentence was interrupted by his own laughter...

Dedue stared at Dimitri with his eyes widened. "Your highness?"

Felix looking down at Dimitri in disappointment "You... laughed at that? How pathetic of you..." 

Felix then suggests to the professor that they should head back to the monastery which she nodded in return. Felix did notice that her startled gaze stayed on Dimitri entirely but ignored it and everyone started (including Alois and Dimitri) heading off. 

Dimitri however was still laughing at Alois's jokes and was praising Alois for them the entire trip back to the monastery. However he wasn't the only one praising his jokes.

Petra was amazed. She clapped her hands and praised Alois. "Wow you made him laugh! Please Alois, you must teach me more on Fodlan's play on words, am in fascina- oh err, I'm fascinated in this. I have certainty that people of Brigid will be fascinated in them too."

Alois did not look like he agreed with Petra on the people of Brigid being fascinated in his terrible jokes. In fact, he thinks its quite the opposite. He thinks they'll hate it and get quickly annoyed with it just like most people he's met that he told his jokes to.  

Everyone was ignoring the conversation that Petra and Dimitri was having with Alois due to irritation.

However Byleth listened the whole time and even threw a smile towards Dimitri despite the fact that he wasn't looking at her and focused his gaze on Alois. She was happy to hear him laugh long and happily like that for the first time in quite a while.

Although Petra then noticed her smiling towards Dimitri.

"Dimitri? I think the professor needs to talk to you about something." Petra said to Dimitri.

Dimitri looks at the professor and sees that she is smiling towards him. However when she realised that he met her gaze, she looked away and started a conversation with other students.


Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now