An Expression

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter 9 and takes place before chapter 10. Takes place on the Fourteenth of Guardian Moon. Part references "Joke telling" part, "Heartbreaking Tears..." part and "Washing Dishes" part.


Despite what happened to her father and despite her feelings of grief, Byleth was still teaching for the moon.

Byleth was still really sad and wasn't over Jeralt but she does realise she does need to continue teaching, it was her job.

However, she didn't seem to be the same as before. She was more aloof and didn't show much emotion at all. This was very evident to all of her students. She didn't show any feelings of sadness which surprised some of the students but they don't question it.

It was awkward because they weren't used to Byleth acting aloof like this anymore especially since she was so happy during the previous moon. However they don't point this out either.

After class everyday, they don't ask Byleth anything, they give her their regards. She does appreciate them and thanks them for it but her expression stays the same each time.

In fact, they hadn't seen her expression change since it... happened.

However on the first free day of the week, this changed a bit.

Raphael ran into Dimitri around the fishing area.

"Hey Dimitri! Want to have lunch with me today in the dining hall, like right now?" Raphael cheerfully asks.

"I'd be happy to but... uh why right now? It's still a bit early for lunch isn't it?" Dimitri nervously chuckled.

"It's NEVER too early for food! I am starving and I need to eat!"

"Alright alright I get it, but uh why are you asking me?"

"Well duh, because I'm interested in joining your house! Which is why I going to ask the professor too so I can spend time with the cool leader and cool professor!" Raphael proudly grinned.

Raphael was looking at the professor who was alone, fishing as she seemed to have always done in that moon not counting teaching. Dimitri gazed at her and then gazed back at Raphael

Dimitri was startled from this statement and attempted to convince Raphael to ask someone else. "Raphael, I wouldn't recommend asking the professor to come with us."

"Huh? Why not?" Raphael was surprised

Dimitri looks down "Because... You do know that Professor did lose her father earlier this moon and she doesn't seem interested in eating at the dining hall like she did before"

Raphael understood but it didn't stop him from wanting to invite Byleth "But it is worth trying right? I mean even people going through a hard time do need to eat! Maybe she'll feel better after eating at the dining hall, I haven't seen her there since last moon"

Dimitri shook his head "Raphael, I'm telling you she won't say yes, maybe invite uh..."

Dimitri cut himself off as he struggled to think of someone else.

"Nope sorry Dimitri but I'm going to at least try!" Raphael was still filled with DETERMINATION.

Dimitri sighed but stopped protesting "Ok fine go ask her, but I doubt she'll say yes."

Raphael started walking towards Byleth and realised that Dimitri was just standing there. He turned around and faced Dimitri "Hey Dimitri, come with me"

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now