A Gift for Her

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Post timeskip, takes place after chapter fourteen and takes place before chapter fifteen. Takes place on the 12th of Pegasus Moon/Byleth's Birthday. Takes place after the "Hidden" part and "Withered Flowers" part. Recommended for you to read "The Prince's Birthday" part, "The Professor's Birthday" part, "Sitri & Flowers" part and "Returned" part.


Even if it was Byleth's Birthday, everyone still needed to train.

Still though, Byleth was wishing that Dimitri would show up to train with everyone at least today.

But of course...He never showed up and she felt foolish to think otherwise.

On the bright side, she still got some wonderful presents from some people such as tea leaves from Mercedes & Annette, Fish from Flayn once again, books from Ashe & Ingrid, a kind letter from Gilbert and some arrows from Shamir.

While not everyone was able to give her a gift due to the events that are happening right now, she was still very happy to get gifts at all and for people to say "Happy birthday" to her.

And yet...it still didn't feel right.

Byleth wondered if it was because of the fact that the 20th of Horsebow Moon was her actual birthday.

It was hard to tell, especially since today was actually Sothis' birthday and not truly her birthday but even so, she still didn't want to tell people that her birthday was actually on the 20th of Horsebow Moon. All it would do is just complicate things more.

But even back at her last birthday, she knew that it wasn't her actual birthday...

Regardless, In the afternoon, when training was over, she went to the Cathedral first out of curiosity to see if a certain someone was there.

Except he wasn't there surprisingly...

She turned around and as she was about to leave, she saw Dimitri walking out of the reception hall to the Cathedral.

He didn't see her, he was just looking down and mumbling to himself.

She ran up to him and tried to get his attention. "Hello Dimitri."

He heard her and when he did, he looked up at her.

He sighed. "What?"

This tone of his made Byleth a bit frustrated. "I just wanted to know where you ran off to, that's all."

DImitri looked away. "Why would you even care?" 

Byleth started to lose her patience due to Dimitri's ridiculous behaviour. "Well I wanted to know if-"

Dimitri cut her off, immediately assuming what she was going to say. "I wasn't going to go to Ailell now if that's what you're thinking. I may be a mindless beast but not mindless enough to go there now."

"I wasn't going to ask that...I was just curious to see how your day was and if you're doing alright."

"Whatever. Just quit wasting time with me on your birthday."

"You- Wait... you remembered today was my...?" Byleth was taken by surprise to hear those words.

"Of course I did. I do lo-..." Dimitri realised what he said and was furious with both himself and Byleth.

He could also feel glares from ghosts that weren't even there at that moment. He knew that they would scream at him for what he did today and for wasting his time.

"It's understandable for why I'd get yelled at for something like this. Urgh....She..I wish she would- Grrr." He thought to himself.

Dimitri shook his head. "Just, I'd rather be alone. It's pointless for you to talk to me."

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now