Washing Dishes

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A/N: Heyo guys! sorry for the long wait but heres a new part! 

Just giving you a heads up, this short story focuses on Dimitri's dislike for fragile objects (Check out "Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Welcome to the Blue Lion House - Nintendo Switch" video on youtube and you'll see that Dimitri dislikes fragile objects) and I wanted to write a short story between him and Byleth that showcases it. I'm not entirely sure why I want to do it so badly though.

Anyways, I'll shut up now and I hope you enjoy reading this! I'll talk more about future short story plans, after this story! :D


Pre Timeskip,  takes place after chapter 8 but before chapter 9. Takes place in the afternoon of the ninth of the Ethereal Moon. (Story will also reference Dimitri's B support with Mercedes)


Dimitri hates fragile objects.

He hates them simply because he always accidentally breaks them. Give him anything fragile and then... it suddenly breaks whenever he uses them.

He can't even learn to sew right because he always breaks the needles and scissors. When Mercedes (AKA known as the best sewer in the class) tried to teach him how to sew, he'd always somehow mess up and unintentionally break everything. 

He also struggles with washing dishes and holding them because they sometimes slip from his hands 

But mostly...He smashes them again by accident...due to his ridiculous Blaiddyd strength.

However this doesn't stop him from wanting to get better at managing fragile objects especially since the professor is stronger than him and can handle fragile things without issue. He wants to get better at managing them and such so he can stop himself from accidentally breaking them all the time...

He started to wonder if maybe he should ask Byleth to help him manage such fragile stuff? Like teach him how to clean the dishes or something of the sort since she was so good at handling them.

On the first Saturday afternoon, he decided to go and ask Byleth since that was his only free day (and the fact that no one was using the dining hall). He was trying to find her and decided to look in the training grounds. 

Unfortunately he didn't find her in the training grounds but he did however find his childhood friends, Ingrid and Sylvain. 

Well Felix was also there of course but he wasn't involved in whatever Ingrid and Sylvain were talking about... 

When he found Sylvain and Ingrid talking or rather... Ingrid scolding Sylvain judging from their facial expressions they're making from the distance (not to mention he could hear Ingrid's loud angry sounding voice she'd normally make towards Sylvain if he acted reckless again), he went over to them.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation but have either of you guys seen the professor? If so, do you know where she is?" Dimitri said calmly.

This startled both of them especially Ingrid. Sylvain got over it quickly and started to teasingly smirk towards Dimitri. "Why? Does his highness want to ask the professor to be... his date for the ball that is coming up later this month?" and then winks at Dimitri.

Dimitri gets flustered and his face goes slightly red. He also gives Sylvain a glare "I-I what? What on earth gave you such an odd conclusion?" he blurted out.

Before Sylvain could answer, Ingrid angrily steps on Sylvain's foot very hard. It must have been painful because Sylvain made a face that basically explained it.

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now