Nowhere Left To Hide Part 2/10: "The Unmasked Flames Of Two Individuals"

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A/N: This is more of a retell than the last part was and I apologise for that...

Uh well anyways here is the next part. My apologies if I did a poor job....again.


Pre time skip, Just after chapter 10, Just after "Nowhere Left To Hide Part 1: The Holy Tomb" and references "Washing Dishes" part.


Byleth, Dimitri & everyone else finally found out who the Flame Emperor was. 

Dimitri seemed shocked and had a different look in his eyes which didn't seem like it would change anytime soon. "..."

He couldn't believe it was her.....

A new side of him completely woke up that day and it seemed like he was stuck with this side.

A side of him, not many people ever got to witness. Most didn't think it even existed.

But it did.

Seems like the Flame Emperor wasn't the only one who had another side to them.

Dimitri looked down at the mask as the flame emperor backed away with her reinforcements.

Byleth seemed shocked to see who it was. All of the students and Rhea behind the two, couldn't believe it was her that whole time. 

Rhea was absolutely furious.

Dimitri heard something in his head...

The voices of the dead...

They were so much louder now...and so much more terrifying now...

They chanted repeatedly in his mind...

"  I   T      W   A   S     H   E   R   !  "

"   A    V   E   N  G  E   !   "

Then Byleth heard a slight chuckle from her left but despite that she continued to stare at the Flame Emperor's face.

Then Dimitri finally looked up with an extremely threatening face, laughing like he was mad.

Byleth slowly turned towards Dimitri. 

She did not like where this was going...

Dimitri furiously yelled at the Flame Emperor. "Is this some kind of twisted joke?!" 

The Flame Emperor- No Edelgard stared at Dimitri and said nothing. Dimitri was chuckling again.

Dimitri stopped laughing and had an enraged look on his face.

He grabbed his lance and stepped on the mask that Edelgard once had to cover up her identity as the Flame Emperor. 

He effortlessly broke the mask by stepping on it and continued to walk towards Edelgard.

Out of instinct, Byleth tried to comfort him and she put her hand on his shoulder. 

But Dimitri rejected it by putting off her hand that was on his shoulder and continued walking towards Edelgard.

It didn't seem like she could do anything about what was about to go down.

Edelgard's stare towards Dimitri turned into a glare as he kept walking forward.

Dimitri faced her from a distance and stopped walking. He had some words to say to her. "I've been looking for you..."

"I will take that head from your shoulders-" 

Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now