In The Dark

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Takes place after chapter sixteen and takes place before chapter seventeen. Takes place after "Reasons..." part, "A Promised Trip" part, "Peculiar" part, "The Dagger" part, "Tension" part, "Raid" part, "Tea Party", "The Ashen Demon" part & "Yellow Maiden" part. Takes place at night.


"Professor, could you please go and get my shield, I left it up on the second floor."

Alois asking this question really late in the night, almost right before Byleth was about to go to her room for the day and him asking when she right near her quarters, wasn't surprising.

Just infuriating...

"Alois, why can't you go up there?"

"erm..Well I..." Alois seemed fidgety.

"...Ghosts are the reason aren't they?" Byleth facepalmed when she guessed.

"W-what me? N-no of course not I...yes." Alois shivered.

Byleth sighed but she nodded.

"I'll get it but do you have a candle I could use?"

"A candle? Why would you need a candle?"

"To see. I won't be able to see your armour in the dark room without a light." Byleth rolled her eyes.

"Oh. Oh yes I see now. Uh...No. But...Oh hey Ashe!" Alois saw Ashe walking by to his room which was very close to Byleth's room.

Ashe got frightened quickly. "AHHH A GHOST!"

This shout scared Alois too. "W-what? Where? W-where is it? Ahh please tell me..."

Byleth sighed. "There's no ghost, it's just us Ashe."

He turned around and he sighed in relief. "Professor, don't scare me like that."

"That was Alois who shouted, not me."

"A-anyways that's not the point. Ashe, do you have a candle?" Alois changed the subject.

"Oh uh yes I do. Why is that?" Ashe asked.

"I'm going up to the second floor to get Alois's shield because he left it there. I'll need a candle. Can I please borrow yours?"

"C-certainly but the second floor? Be careful there!"

Byleth nodded. She knew that Ashe was somehow aware of that place being "haunted" even though it wasn't. "I will be. No spooky ghosts will haunt me."

"Ah! Professor!" Ashe shivered.

"I'm just kidding. Seriously, I'll be fine." Byleth reassured.

"Ok... Well, I'll be waiting here for you!" Alois exclaimed.


Ashe runs in his room and lights up his candle.

He carefully carries it and gives it to Byleth.

She walks around the monastery until she finds the stairs to the second floor.

There surprisingly weren't that many people around at the moment.

When she went up there, she looked for Alois's shield.

It was laying around in her father's room.

She sadly sighed despite being relieved.

When she was heading out of the room and back down stairs, she thought she heard something from the third floor.


Irreplaceable Love / Fire Emblem / Byleth x Dimitri shortstoriesWhere stories live. Discover now