Rumoured Nuptials (Paralogue)

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Pre timeskip, takes place after chapter six and takes place before chapter seven. Takes place very late in the month, only a few days before the battle of the Eagle and Lion event. Takes place after "Joke telling" & "The Jealous Prince" parts. Takes place on the 19th of the Wyvern Moon. This part is based on the Ingrid and Dorotheas' paralogue "Rumoured Nuptials." This part sort of references "The Grand Feast" part and it references "The Jealous Prince". Petra has joined the Blue Lion house. Dorothea hasn't joined the Blue Lion house yet at this point since she joins the month after. Takes place right after Ingrid, Dorothea and Byleth agree to go investigating. A bit of a Re tell of the paralogue "Rumoured Nuptials".


Ingrid was surprisingly late to class seminar that morning so Byleth went to go and look for her.

This left Dimitri, Petra, Sylvain, Felix & Shamir in the classroom, waiting.

Sylvain looked slightly cheeky. "I gotta say, I'm surprised. Normally Ingrid would get here earlier than everyone else and then she would yell at me for being late."

"She's probably reading those books in private again. You know how she loves those knight books and whatnot." Felix rolls his eyes.

"Hmm... I don't know about that Felix." Dimitri wasn't certain about that.

Sylvain disagreed with Dimitri. "No I think Felix could be right, I mean Ingrid loves those books more than... well more than anyone really so It would make sense." 

Dimitri seemed puzzled. "But why would she be late today of all days?"

"Well... I don't know? Maybe she lost the book and... uh..... I don't know maybe just looked everywhere in the Cathedral?"

"Why in the Cathedral?"

Sylvain just shook his head. "I'm just trying to think of something."

Dimitri sighed. "Well why are we making a fuss over Ingrid being late anyways?"

Sylvain made a face. "No need to cry your Highness, we weren't making a fuss, we were just curious is all."

Dimitri was already getting confused with Sylvain. "I wasn't crying?!"

Shamir threw out a long sigh but looked slightly entertained. Sylvain still spoke up despite that. "Well you look like your about to cry you know."

"Do I?"

Shamir joined in. "Yeah there are tears coming out of your eyes right now."  

Dimitri looked a bit petrified from that statement. 

Petra had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. "I do not know what you're all meaning."

Her words were ignored though because Felix said something to Dimitri. "You're a gullible boar you know that?"

"Huh?" Dimitri being a bit dense on what he's talking about.

"Yeah we were uh.. sort of messing with you." Shamir let out a tiny grin. 

"Your naivety is going to be the death of you, you know? Especially since your dense of your own feelings for a certain someone~" Sylvain was teasing Dimitri again.

"What? I don't have feelings for the Pro- er I mean for her!" Dimitri was frustrated now.

"Oh? And how did you know who I was talking about?" Sylvain grinned and winked at him.

Dimitri blushed slightly. "Well I... Sylvain stop. You're getting on my nerves."

Sylvain didn't stop there however. "Well, you did get jealous of me for being wi-"

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