Chapter 2: A Kalos Arrival. Serena's Goal

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*Ash's POV

"Well this is it" I said as I looked around the area for one last time

"I won't really miss Kanto" Gary said

"I'm half and half. I just can't wait to see what Kalos is like" Fiera replied as she twirled around

"I'm sure you all will like Kalos" Jason stated as we all got into the large moving truck

"Pika pi!" Pikachu said

"That's right, are you guys attending school also?" I asked as Pikachu reminded me

"I am" Gary replied

"Me too" Fiera added

"What about you Jason?" I then asked

"I'm not sure yet" Jason answered

*With Serena / Serena's POV

"Serena, before they arrive I need you to go and get me something from the store" My mom said as she handed me a piece of paper

"Then I'll be right back!" I replied as I walked out the door and released Fennekin so she could join me

"Fenn!" She said as she began to walk by my side

"We have to go and get something for my mom before Ash's mom moves in across the street so we should probably hurry!" I said and we began to rush to the store

*20 minutes later / Ash's POV

I awoke just in time to find us stopping in front of what I assume was our new house

"We're here!" My mom said and everyone woke up

We then got off the truck and we admired the new house

"It looks great!" Fiera said

"Definitely a good place" Gary added

"It's very..... how'd she describe it..... fancy!" Jason finished as he snapped his fingers

"It sure is great Mom" I said

"You guys will love it here" My mom replied as she nodded her head

*2 minutes earlier / Serena's POV

"Well we're almost there, I wonder if they're here yet" I said to Fennekin

I then got close enough to my house to where I could see the moving truck coming in so I hid at the side of my house and I peaked my head

It stopped and 5 people got off it. The first was clearly Ash's moms. The next one though...... it had to be him...... and then I had the flashback to where I had gotten lost in the forest all those years back in Professor Oak's summer camp and the cute boy with raven hair helped me. It was him...... Ash

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