Chapter 32: Kalos VS Galar

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Chapter Synopsis: The day that has been feared for so long finally arrives. The war of all regions finally reaches its climax. Neptune assembles the group to formulate and carry out a strategy. The Chapter follows Ash and Serena as together, they work to stop the rampaging Zygarde

The perfect strategy for taking over was formed inside an adolescent's head. It was to be put to use in the most random of times. A week before the beginning of the Kalos League is when the war went down

The battle raged across the region on every side with multiple regions sending in soldiers to assist their respective side. It was getting ugly, but the two key people in this were a center point of focus. A chess piece yet to be played

"Of course the one day I decide to go out, the war goes down!" Serena complained as she sneakily made her way back home, and thankfully there was someone looking for her

"Serena!" A familiar voice called

Serena turned to her left and her savior stood there, with a smile on his face that was caused by the assurance that she was ok

"Ash!" Serena exclaimed and she ran up and gave him a tight hug

"We should get out of here" Ash suggested

"But how? This battle is so big... we'll get spotted" Serena asked

"I have a plan" Ash said and he pulled out a Pokeball, and Serena watched on with suspicion as he tossed the Pokeball up, releasing the red beast

"Hey Charizard, we need a quick favor" Ash said and the Kanto starter nodded its head in agreement

"Um Ash, what are you planning?" Serena then asked worryingly

"Don't worry, just get on" Ash assured

Ash got onto Charizard's back and Serena hesitantly followed and attached herself as tight as she could to Ash as the Fire and Flying type took off

"Look at that" Ash said in shock

The battle below was big. A mix of soldiers and Pokemon battles were taking place, causing multiple explosions throughout the region. It was almost catastrophic. Many would say it looked like the end of the world

"I wonder if our friends will be alright" Serena said

"They should be-" Ash was going to say but their worst fear came true

Gunned down, Charizard was met by a Draco Meteor that didn't split into meteorites and instead hit it hard which rendered it unconscious, and the Pokemon crashed into a nearby forest with it's trainer and friend still attached to it

"Serena? Are you alright?" Ash asked

"Yeah I'm fine, what about you?" She replied

"My leg hurts just a bit, but thats it" Ash said

"How about Charizard?" Serena asked as she pet the resting Pokemon

"I wish there was an open Pokemon Center, but you know...." Ash replied and he returned the Pokemon before thanking it

"What now? We're in the middle of a war zone" Serena pointed out

"You have a choice" A voice said

The two turned behind them and there stood the usual owner of the strange voice. Although something was off. They held one of their arms with the other and they seemed kind of crooked, as if injured

"A choice?" Ash replied

"Our.... your friends have a plan" Neptune answered

"A plan? Are they crazy!? What can we do?" Serena asked but a ring then opened up behind them, as Neptune motioned for them to follow

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