Chapter 7: Legendary Face Off! Champion Diantha

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Chapter Synopsis: Ash & Jason progress through the tournament, and by the end of it they come face to face against the Champion of Kalos, Diantha. 

"Next up will be May and Dawn VS Drew and Kenny!" Sycamore announced

"O-Oh man" May said

"We'll be fine" Dawn replied

"Well good luck you two" Serena said

"You"ll need it" Drew teased

"S-Shut up" May responded quietly

The four battlers then made their way down to the battlefield where the ref stated the rules of the double battle

"This will be a two on two Pokemon battle! Once both Pokémon from either side can no longer continue, the match will end! Trainers bring out your Pokémon!" The Ref declared

"Go Blaziken!" May said

"Go Mamoswine!" Dawn added

"Hey! It's Mamoswine!" Iris exclaimed

"I remember your battle against her with Dragonite" Ash replied

* "Ash really has known them before then" Serena thought

"Go Gengar!" Drew said

"Come on out Bisharp!" Kenny finished

"The let the battle begin!" The Ref shouted

"Here we go" Calem said

"Bisharp use Guillotine!" Kenny commanded

"Gengar, Sucker Punch!" Drew added

"Blaziken stop them with Quick Attack" May said confidently

"Mamoswine use Double Hit!" Dawn added on

Gengar and Bisharp dashed forward with their attacks but Blaziken slammed into Bisharp and stopped him. Mamoswine then stomped forward and bit Gengar twice with its large horns, once with each.

"Use Shadow Ball!" Drew said quickly

Mamoswine was unable to react in time and took a Shadow Ball to the face

"Blaziken use Sky Uppercut!" May shouted

"Bisharp use Focus Blast!" Kenny shouted back

Blaziken charged at Bisharp, attempting to use an uppercut on him but just before he could he was hit by the large Focus Blast which sent him flying back

"Mamoswine use Icy Wind!" Dawn commanded

Mamoswine released the cold Icy Wind and the attack pushed back both Bisharp and Gengar

"Blaziken use Flamethrower!" May instructed

"Stop it Shadow Ball!" Drew replied once the Icy Wind stopped

It was too late though and Flamethrower hit both Bisharp and Gengar

"May and Dawn are doing amazing!" Ash said

"They sure are" Serena replied quietly

"Is there something wrong Serena?" Ash asked

"Huh? N-No" Serena answered

"Bisharp use Guillotine" Kenny said confidently

Bisharp jumped forward and crossed its arm, and slashing it onto Mamoswine

"Use Double Hit!" Dawn shouted

"Dodge it!" Kenny shouted back

Bidharp was able to narrowly dodge in time and jumped onto Mamoswine's back

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