Chapter 17: Power of The Bond

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*Serena's POV

"So what are we doing?" Ash asked with his hands behind his back and he leaned into my face a little too close to the point that it made me start to blush

"Um I-I'm not sure yet" I admitted nervously

"How about some carnival games then" Ash suggested

"Sure but I'm really not too good at those" I said

"You can never be sure unless you try!" Ash replied and he grabbed my arm and ran to the nearest carnival game, dragging me

"Ash wait up!" I exclaimed but he ignored me

We then made our way over to the area where the carnival games were being held, and Ash brought me to one where you need to throw a Pokeball and knock down some Magicarps

"Go ahead and give it a try Serena" Ash said

"But I can't Ash...." I sighed

"Come on Serena, I believe in you!" Ash motivated

"I guess i'll give it a try" I agreed hesitantly and I picked up the Pokeball

I carefully aimed my first shot and to my surprise I ended up hitting one out of the three I needed to win

"See you can do it! You got one down, two more to go" Ash pointed out

I took Ash's motivation to heart and I was actually able to hit the last two Magicarp and win the game...

"I did!" I celebrated

"I knew you could do it Serena, you just have to believe in yourself" Ash replied

"Thanks for motivating me" I said with a smile

"No problem"


"So did you have fun Serena?" Ash asked as we exited the carnival

"Yeah I did! Thanks so much for coming with me" I answered

"It was my pleasure, it was really fun" Ash said

"We still have some time, is there anything else you want to do?" I then asked

"We could ask our friends to come hang out" Ash suggested

"Sounds like a good idea to me" I agreed

*With Gary

"I wonder what they're saying now" Bonnie said

"I'm not sure" Shauna replied and Gary's phone vibrated so he took it out and announced "They want to know if we want to come hang out with them"

"I'm for it, but do we just walk up to them now or?...." Shauna asked

"Let's give it a few minutes" Gary replied


Only a couple of Ash & Serena's friends were able to hang out that day due to being busy with the Christmas festivities

"Hey Gary" Ash greeted

"Hey Shauna and Bonnie" Serena added

"It's good to see you guys, what were you up to?" Shauna asked even though she knew the answer

"We were just hanging out at the winter festival for a bit" Ash answered

"I see" Shauna replied and she winked at Serena which made her cheeks flare up with a hard blush

"A-Anyways the others should be here soon" Serena said and it then began to snow

"It's snowing?" Gary asked

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