Chapter 11: Improving & Progressing

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"Braixen use Fire Blast!" Serena commanded

"Dodge it!"

Fire Blast connected with the enemy Pokemon and caused it to faint which by default granted Serena a victory

"9.9! The bond between trainer and Pokemon was amazing!" Judge #1 said

"9.8! Beautiful moves!" Judge #2 added

"9.8!" Judge 3 finished

"Look at that Braixen! We got a 29.5!" Serena exclaimed

"Braixen!" She replied and the two gave each other a quick hug

*Time Skip

"That was great Serena! You won your first contest!" Milly said as Serena examined her winning ribbon

"I'd say I was impressed and I don't even like watching Pokemon Contests that much" Luke added

"Thanks guys" Serena replied but she seemed distracted by something

"Something bothering you Serena? You should be happy right now!" Milly asked

"I guess I'm still bothered by earlier" She answered

"How about we check up on him then?" Milly suggested

"Sounds good to me, they should be done by now" Serena agreed as she quickly checked her phone for the time and then opened it to call Ash

"Hey Serena! Did you compete yet?" Ash greeted

"Yeah I did! I won!" Serena exclaimed with sudden excitement

"Thats great! I knew you could do it! Great job Serena" Ash said

"Thanks Ash" Serena replied and a big smile formed on her face "So we didn't really get to talk earlier..... any... updates on whats going on back in Kalos?"

"Nothing much but I did recently battle Paul and my Frogadeer evolved into Greninja!" Ash answered

"Thats amazing! Maybe you'll be seeing that hidden power sometime soon" Serena guessed

"Hopefully! We're going to do our best in order to master that power" Ash replied

"I know you'll master it Ash" Serena said

"Right. But... what are you going to do now that your finished with your first contest?" Ash asked and Serena was left confused "Um, I'm not really sure now that I think about it" She answered

"I say you should get to battling so that you can improve!..... Not that you need to though.... i'm just saying that if you want to.... then you should..... um, sorry" Ash suggested nervously and Serena giggled "I know what you mean Ash, I'll get to it" She agreed

"Hey Serena! Ash really misses you!" Gary blurted into the call

"Aw, thats so sweet Ash, I miss you too" Serena replied and she began to blush which Milly noticed

"Gary!" Ash complained and Serena heard a sound that she guessed was Ash pushing Gary away "Sorry about that Serena, but anyways theres actually something important I need to tell you"

"W-What is it?" Serena asked full of hope and she could feel her heat beat really fast

"I don't know if you know already, but theres some important political stuff going on between Kalos and Galar, and it could get really bad soon" Ash warned

"Oh" Serena replied sounding disappointed

"Are you alright Serena? Sounds like you wanted me to say something else" Ash asked

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