Chapter 7: Again and Already

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*Ash's POV

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*Ash's POV

"Rise and shine Pikachu" I said as I sat up and stretched

"Pi?" He asked and he jumped onto my shoulder

"Why am I up early? I have things to do" I answered

"Pika?" Pikachu continued to question

"Of course you know him. You'll see when we get there" I replied

I got ready at my normal pace and ended up being about 10 minutes earlier then I usually am, and I walked into the kitchen to get breakfast to find my two friends already in there

"Ash is up early? That's a surprise" Gou stated

"Tell me about it" Gary muttered

"I've got things to do today" I said

"Like what? Must be really important" Gou asked

"It's just something I want to do before I forgot to" I answered

I was then about to sit down but there was a knock at the door so I went to answer it first

"Hey G- Ash?" Serena said

"Hey Serena!" I replied and I grabbed her wrist before pulling her inside

"What are you doing up so early? This is usually the time you just wake up" She questioned

"Professor Sycamore said he wanted to talk to me about an interesting opportunity, and there's also something else I need to get to" I explained

"Something else?"

"So your back again?" Paul asked

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"So your back again?" Paul asked

"That's right" I confirmed as we shook hands

"I heard your the Champion of Kanto as well, impressive" Paul complimented

"Thanks, although it wasn't too difficult" I replied

"Right...." Paul said suspiciously "Anyways, I assume you want a battle?"

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