Chapter 28: Electrifying Troubles!

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*Serena's POV

Hey there! This story begins the day after my day in Santalune city with Ash, and it all really started during our last class of Pokemon Performing

"Ready to head inside?" Drew asked

"Why do you ask?" Ash asked back

"Usually when we walk in something crazy is going on with Hoopa" Kenny explained

"I guess your right, but whats the worse that can happen" Dawn said

We walked inside and there were a lot of Eevee's marching around in the center of the room in a circle

"So the Eevee's are todays surprise welcome?" Shauna asked

"I guess they are" Aria answered

"They're so cute though" May said as she knelt down and pat one

May broke their momentum though and that Eevee stopped which made them all fall over like dominos

"O-Oh, sorry..." May apologized and a ring opened up which returned the Eevee

"What was the point in that anyways?" Lillie asked

"Hoopa wanted to have a marching band!" Hoopa answered

"Looks like it was going alright then" Ash said

"Yeah they were marching so happily" I added

"I said I was sorry ok" May complained

"Relax May, we know" Drew said

Class started and we continued on and together with Ash and Gary we worked on our performance until the end of class and the bell rang. But right when it rang I had a flashback to when Neptune told me I needed to take Ash to the Pokémon center

"Serena?" I heard Ash asked when I came back

"Sorry I was just day dreaming again" I answered

"You've dozed off day dreaming twice today now" Dawn pointed out

"Thinking about someone Serena?" Miette asked with a grin

"N-No! I wasn't thinking of anyone" I replied nervously as I blushed and slightly glanced behind me to see Ash smiling over

"N-No! I wasn't thinking of anyone" I replied nervously as I blushed and slightly glanced behind me to see Ash smiling over

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(Ignore the people around them and Pikachu)

"Alright Serena, we'll see you tomorrow then" Shauna said

"B-B.... Bye" I barely responded

"Serena are you alright?" Ash asked and he put his hand on my shoulder which only made things worse

"I-I.... I... I'm f-fine" I answered, stuttering hard

"You look sick" Ash then said

I stood in pure embarrassment as Gary watched Ash feel my forehead with a smirk while Fiera also watched with no emotion

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