Chapter 23: Getting Through

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It was Saturday and I hadn't heard from Ash since he told me to go away on Tuesday, but I was texting Gary every day to get an update but nothing seemed to change at all. All I knew was that he was isolating everyone....

"Fenn?" Fennekin asked

"I know it's been days but I'm still worried, what if I hurt our relationship?" I asked back

"Fennekin!" Fennekin assured

"I hope so, I don't want him to isolate me like everyone else! I want him to talk to me.... but he won't!" I replied, saying the last part angrily

"Fenn, Fennekin!" Fennekin then suggested

"That's a good idea! If Ash won't talk to me then he will!" I replied and I rushed to get myself ready

I got ready as if I was going to school and I was done pretty quickly and I walked out the door and saw him....

"Ash!" I called out

He turned to look at me but he then turned back and continued to walk, completely ignoring me which made me pretty annoyed

"See what I mean Fennekin!" I complained

"Fenn" She sighed

I didn't let that stop me from carrying about Fennekin's plan though and I rushed in the other direction Ash had walked in

It took me about 20 minutes but I finally made it to the Pokémon center

"Hi Nurse Joy!" I said

"Hello there Serena!" She replied

"You know who I am?" I asked

"Of course! I absolutely loved your performances" Nurse Joy answered

"O-Oh thanks" I replied

"Anyways, how can I help you?" Nurse Joy then asked

"I came to see my boy-..... my friends Pikachu" I answered

I wanted to hit myself as I had almost accidentally called Ash my boyfriend....

"Well there's only one Pikachu in here, I'm sure he'd be glad to have some company" Nurse Joy asked

I then followed Nurse Joy to Pikachu's room and I walked in and he was pretty injured, similar to Calem. I then thanked Nurse Joy and she left me alone with Pikachu

"Hey Pikachu" I said quietly and he slowly opened his eyes so I waved

"Pika!" He said excitingly

"I heard you weren't feeling so well so I came to see you!" I replied

"Fenn!" Fennekin added

"Pika pi!" He replied

"I guess your excited to see me, but you shouldn't use up your energy" I said as I pet his head

"Pikaaa" He said in comfort as I pet him

"Can I talk to you Pikachu?" I then asked

"Pika" I nodded my head

"You see, Ash really blames himself for your condition. But we both know it was no one's fault! He's really mad at himself and he's isolating everyone, even me.... and he told me to go away and he even ignored me earlier but I won't give up!" I explained

"Pikachu!" He replied

"Thanks Pikachu!" I said

I then stayed with Pikachu for a couple of more minutes until I said goodbye and left alongside Fennekin

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