Chapter 19: Resettling

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We join Ash and Serena as they walk through Lumiose, for the first time in a month

"Ash I have something to confess" Serena admitted nervously as she pushed her two index fingers against each other

"What is it Serena?" Ash asked

"A few days ago... I kind of went on a date with Calem..." She answered nervously

"Oh" Ash replied

"But it didn't mean anything! I swear!" Serena insisted

"I believe you Serena, but why does it matter?" Ash asked

"I-I don't know, I just felt like I should let you know" She replied

"Well thanks but it doesn't matter to me what you do with your life Serena, ill support you but what you do is up to you" Ash explained

"But I want to please you..." Serena replied quietly, sounding disappointed

"Huh?" Ash then asked

"Nothing Ash" Serena answered in a panic

"Oh, ok...." Ash replied suspiciously

"Anyways Ash, did you catch any pokemon in Alola?" Serena asked

"I sure did, I managed to catch three actually" He replied

There was then an awkward silence for about 30 seconds until Serena spoke again

"So are you going to leave me hanging?" She then asked

"What do you mean?" Ash asked back

"Show me your Pokemon that you caught in Alola!" Serena explained excitingly

"Oh right" Ash replied

Ash then pulled out three Pokeballs from his pocket and threw them up into the air for Serena to see the Pokemon inside

"Cat?" Torracat asked

"Rowlet!" Rowlet added

"Wow they're so cute!" Serena said as she pet Rockruff

"Ruff!" Rockruff exclaimed

"Yeah they are" Ash agreed

"Well I also caught a new Pokemon of my own" Serena then said and she released it from its ball

"Pancham!" the Pokemon said

"Cool! A Pancham!" Ash replied

"Im working on incorporating him into my performances alongside Eevee and Fennekin" Serena explain

"He looks like a good fit" Ash added

"He's really athletic and his moves work really well with the others" Serena replied

The two then returned their Pokémon and continued on their walk

"So what did you do in Alola?" Serena asked

"Mostly go to school, Alola's really interesting though" Ash answered

"Oh.... well you must be hungry, how about we go eat?" Serena suggested

"You've got that right! Let's go" Ash replied

*Skip 15 minutes

Ash and Serena were waiting for the food while they continued to discuss different topics

"So I guess performing is going really well for you" Ash said

"Yeah it is! I'll be competing for my first princess key next" Serena replied

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