Chapter 35: Bandaging a Strong Bond

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We join the group in the Pokemon center as Korinna, the Gym Leader for Shalour City gets her Lucario healed after a failed Mega Evolution. Serena had also announced to the group that school had actually been cancelled the next day, so they had a lot more time now. 

"Your Pokemon is all healed up and ready to go" Nurse Joy said as she handed Korinna the Pokeball

"Thanks so much!" Korinna replied 

"So then is Lucario ready for a battle?" Ash asked

"He sure is! Lets head to the gym!" Korinna answered 

The group then once again began to follow Korinna to the gym like they had planned before Team Rocket happened

"Im so glad school got cancelled tomorrow" Gary said 

"Its really convenient" Clemont replied 

"Well i'm not complaining" Ash said 

"Me nether. I can't wait to see Ash battle Lucario" Serena added but she didn't get the usual reply from Ash 

*Skip to gym arrival

"So this is the Shalour City Gym" Ash said

"It looks so cool! Look at this big Lucario statue!" Bonnie replied excitingly and she pointed to the statue 

"Looks like Mega Lucario" Gary pointed out

"It is Mega Lucario. They say the first pokemon to ever Mega Evolve was a Lucario" Korinna explained 

"How fascinating" Clemont replied 

"Well the battlefield is this way, and the stands are on the left" Korinna said

Ash then went with Korinna to the battlefield while the others made their way to the stands and the group got to see who they presumed as Korinna's grandfather

"A challenger?" He asked 

"Thats right" Korinna answered

"I-Im Ash Ketchum" Ash replied without the usual confidence

"Welcome. The names Gurkinn" He greeted

"Gurkinn?" Bonnie asked and she laughed a little

"Bonnie thats not nice" Clemont said

"Whatever" She sighed 

*Skip two minutes

"This will be a two on two Pokemon battle! Furthermore, only the challenger may make substitutions! Once both Pokemon from either side can no longer continue, the match will end. Trainers bring out your first Pokemon!" Gurkinn stated 

"Go Lucario!" Korinna said

"Your up first Pikachu" Ash replied

"So she's sending out Lucario first" Gary said

"Looks like she's that excited for this battle" Aria replied

"She sure is" Jason agreed

"Let the battle begin!" Gurkinn announced 

"Lucario use Bone Rush!" Korinna started 

"Pikachu.... use Iron Tail!" Ash replied but he was too late with the command

Lucario dashed forward with Bone Rush and ended up hitting him just after Ash finished speaking his command

"Now use Flash Cannon!" Korinna commanded

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