Chapter 26: Trouble in Santalune

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It was the Sunday after Serena had a fun day with Ash Friday night and Saturday morning, and she was left wanting more as she sat around, looking through the living room at Ash's house

Coincidentally though, she watched as Ash and Gary stepped out of the house so her eyes widened and she quickly rushed out of the house

"Hey Ash!" She called out and the two boys turned to see her

"Hey Serena" He replied

"Where are you two going?" Serena asked

"I was actually going to have my first gym battle, but now that I think about it I don't where any of the gyms are" Ash answered

"Ill make you a deal" Serena proposed

"What is it?" Ash asked

"If you let me come and watch then ill show you to the first gym" Serena explained

"You didn't need to make an offer to come along but sure" Ash replied

"Alright then, follow me" Serena said and the two boys began to follow her

"So how far is it Serena?" Gary asked

"Pretty far" Serena answered with no emotion

"W-What...." Ash complained

"Where'd the determined Ash go, your going to have to travel far in order to get your gym badges and compete in the Kalos League" Serena said

"Kalos League? I forgot to ask about that...." Ash replied

"You are entering right Ash?" Serena asked

"Of course I am. Well.... at least ill try" He answered

They then walked in silence for about 15 minutes until they came across two familiar faces walking towards them

"Hey look, its Clemont and Bonnie" Ash said

"Hey Ash! Didn't expect to see you guys out here" Clemont replied

"Hi Serena!" Bonnie added and she ran up to her

"Hey there Bonnie, hows it going?" Serena asked

"Good! What are you guys up to?" She asked back

"We were just on our way to watch Ash's first Kalos gym battle" Serena explained

"I see why you tagged along" Bonnie whispered to Serena and she also elbowed her

"B-Bonnie! Its not like that!" Serena whispered back but kind of loud

"Everything alright?" Ash asked

"Y-Yes! E-Eeverything is absolutely perfect, in fact theres n-nothing that could make it better" Serena answered nervously as her cheeks flared up

"Well do you mind if we tag along?" Clemont asked

"We'd like it if you came with us" Ash answered

"Yay!" Bonnie celebrated

The group of five then continued on their way to Santalune city, where Ash's first gym battle awaited

"So what Pokemon do you plan on using Ash?" Serena asked

"Im not sure, ill have to see what Pokemon i'm up against first" He answered

"Im sure you'll win though" Serena replied

"I'll try my best" Ash agreed

*Skip to arrival

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