Ash and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that.
Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...
"We're almost there!" I exclaimed as I examined the map once more
"That's great. I'm already to go and win this Gym Badge" Ash replied
"I can wait to see this battle. I've heard some interesting things about this gym" Clemont said
"I heard it was one of the more easier gyms but it sure is an interesting one" Shauna added
We then arrived at the gym a few minutes later, and we were straight at the battlefield as we admired our surroundings
"Ah you've finally made it" Someone said
We turned to to direction the voice had come from and we saw an old man wearing all green, an orange scarf and a dark green hat
"Are you the gym leader?" Ash asked
"And what do you mean we finally made it?" Gary also asked
"My name is Ramos. And I am indeed the Gym Leader young whipper snappers" He answered
"You didn't answer my question" Gary sighed as he looked towards the ground and held a finger up to the sky
"Someone informed me you would be coming, but that isn't the point" Ramos replied
"Well then can we have our battle? I want to go for it right away! Ash asked excitingly
"Aren't you and energetic one?" Ramos asked as he put his hand on Ash's shoulder and laughed a little bit
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"Pika!" Pikachu affirmed
"That's right. I've been looking forward to this gym battle for a while now" Ash added
"In that case, come with me" Ramos replied
We then followed Ramos away from the battlefield and we entered a somewhat small hut that was made from a large tree. There was a table and Ramos signaled for us to sit and we did
Next, someone brought in cups of tea and placed just enough for each of us to have one
"This tea is very special! So help yourselves!" Ramos offered
"Wow, thanks Ramos" Miette said
"Yeah we appreciate it" Gary uncharacteristically added
We then enjoyed ourselves to tea in peace but Ash seemed a little eager and he wasn't enjoying it as much as the rest of us
"Something wrong Ash?" Ramos asked
"I just really want to have our battle already" He answered
"This tea is to relax the mind. The both of us will need it, so drink up" Ramos replied
Ash then sighed cutely as held the cup up but he finished it pretty quickly