Chapter 4: A Solution!? Ash & Serena's Secret

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Chapter Synopsis: Professor Sycamore reveals a solution to Ash's amnesia to him and Serena, and asks them to keep it a secret while Gary attempts to find out just what Sycamore had to say to the two all while Neptune becomes infected with a mysterious virus

*Serena's POV / Wednesday Morning

I had gotten ready for school and I said goodbye to Pikachu who I left with Pancham for the day while I went to school

I walked out of my house and I could see Ash sitting on the front porch so I thought I'd go over and say hi

"Hey Ash. Feeling any better?" I asked

"Oh, hey Serena. Not really" Ash answered and I sat down next to him

"Before this whole thing we made a promise to each other that we could talk to one another whenever we we needed it. So you can talk to me Ash" I explained

"I just want to remember already, I don't like living like this" He replied

"It's going to be alright Ash, just give it some time. We have a plan" I assured as I held his hand which made the both of us blush

"I hope we were good friends before this" Ash said

"Of course we were Ash! We were the best of friends! we've known each other for a really long time now" I replied as I gently squeezed his hand and he smiled at me

"That makes me a lot more excited to get my memory back, I'll have to stay strong in the mean time. Thanks a lot Serena!" Ash exclaimed as he got up and stretched his arms

"My pleasure Ash" I said

"Sorry we took so long" Gary said as he swung the door open

"We?" Fiera asked

"Yes we! You took forever doing your hair!" Gary complained but she just ignored him

"Well then, off to school I guess" I said

*Time skip

"Hey Ash, remember anything yet?" Dawn asked

"Hey Dawn, sorry not yet" He replied

"I guess were just going to have to wait" Trevor said

"We'll be patient" Lillie added

"You guys make it seem like I'm really important" Ash pointed out

"Of course you are, your like.... the main character" Shauna said

"Thats right, we all know you in one way or another" Clemont agreed

"Ash" Someone called out from behind, and we all turned to see Paul was walking towards us

"Paul?" We asked

"It's been a while since we've talked properly" Paul said to Ash

"Um, Ash has amnesia" I whispered to Paul

"Oh" He replied as if this crazy situation was something he would expect from Ash

"Sorry I don't remember you" Ash apologized

"No problem, I'll come by when your memory is back" Paul said and he turned and walked away

"Ash you don't need to keep apologizing for not being able to remember things or people, it's not your fault" I said

"It wasn't? How exactly did I loose my memory anyways?" Ash asked

"Well it was after we won the Kalos Trio Tournament" I answered

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