Chapter 27: Buggy Battling & A Return

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We join Ash, Serena, Gary, Clemont & Bonnie as they make their way through Santalune City towards the gym there so Ash can challenge the gym there

"Are we almost there Serena?" Ash asked 

"Almost" She answered

"I wonder who the gym leader is" Gary said

"I heard she's also a Pokemon photographer, mostly for bug types" Clemont replied

"Like Trevor?" Serena asked

"Precisely" Clemont answered 

"Look, theres the gym" Serena then said as she pointed to a gym in the distance

"Well then lets go!" Ash replied with sudden excitement 

"But Ash-" Serena was about to say but Ash grabbed her arm and began to run and it was a reverse of when they had first arrived in the city as Serena had no choice but to run with Ash

"Ash wait up!" Gary shouted and the rest of the group ran after Ash who was dragging Serena

They then stopped in front of the gym and they all caught their breath before entering

"You guys are tired?" Ash asked

"The running was just so sudden" Serena answered 

"Sorry about that, but it was only fair considering earlier" Ash replied

"I guess your right" Serena sighed

"Now lets go ahead and see what the gym has in store" Clemont said

The group then walked inside and there was a women with blonde hair and a camera around her neck was standing there, as if she had been waiting

"I assume your Ash. Ive been waiting for you" She said

"How do you know who I am?" Ash asked

"And how did you know he was coming?" Gary also asked

"I got a hint from someone" She said

"Anyways, your right and im here to challenge you to a battle" Ash declared

"Great! The names Viola, I specialize in Bug Types" Viola greeted

"Nice to meet you Viola, I cant wait for our battle!" Ash then said

"I sure can tell, follow me" Viola replied 

The group then followed Viola and they found themselves at the battlefield which was nicely decorated with plants surrounding it and a neat field in the middle

*Skip 2 minutes

"This will be a two on two Pokemon battle! Once both Pokemon from either side are unable to battle, the match will end. Trainers release your first Pokemon!" The Ref stated

"Go Vivillion!" Viola said

"Vivillion huh.... go Rowlet!" Ash replied 

"I can't wait to see Rowlet in battle" Serena exclaimed

"Me too, its so cute!" Bonnie replied 

"This sure is an interesting match up" Clemont said

"Ash likes to make his battles interesting" Gary agreed

"Let the battle begin!" The Ref shouted

"Vivillion use Iron Defense" Viola started 

"Rowlet use Leafage!" Ash commanded

Rowlet summonsed up a fury of leaves and fired them at Vivillion but it was able to dodge with good speed

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