Chapter 9: Regions Apart

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*Serena's POV

It was a Monday morning when I would leaving to my one month trip for Hoenn, and I would be coming back just before Christmas which was good

I was currently in the airport with just my mom since my friends had school and I didn't really get proper goodbyes which made me kind of sad but it was alright

"So are you already to go?" My mom asked

"Yeah I am! I can't wait to see what's in Hoenn! I wonder what it's like" I confirmed

"Make sure you have fun, but don't forget to improve yourself as well" My mom said

"I will" I promised

I then heard the announcement for my flight so I had to say my final goodbye and get over there

"Well this is it. I'll miss you mom" I said

"I'll miss you too Serena, now go enjoy your stay!" She replied

"Right" I agreed and I turned around and began to walk away but about 5 seconds in I heard someone shout "Serena!"

I turned around and I could see Ash and Pikachu running towards me which brought a big smile to my face but also worried me

"Hey Serena" Ash said as he caught his breath

"Pika!" Pikachu added, also catching his breath

"Hey Ash! What are you doing here?" I asked half worried half excited

"I wanted to have a proper goodbye before I don't see you for a whole month" Ash said

"But your going to be late for school!" I replied in a panic but he pulled me in for a tight hug which made me blush really hard

"I'll miss you Serena" He said

"I'll miss you too" I agreed as I hugged him back

"See you in a month! But you should hurry!" Ash warned

"Right! See you in a month!" I exclaimed as we exchanged final waves before I ran off

*Time Skip

The plane had finally landed around Monday night and it was somewhat dark outside when I got off the plane

"So this is Hoenn" I said as I looked around

Pancham then released himself from his Pokeball and asked "Pan?"

"We're staying Hoenn for a month Pancham! Isn't that exciting?" I asked back

"Pancham!" He agreed

"Then we should find our hotel" I suggested and Pancham began to run off

"Pancham wait! That's not the right direction!" I shouted and I began to chase him

I chased Pancham for about a minute which felt like forever, until I stopped when I tripped on a rock

"Ow" I complained as I got up and brushed the dust off my clothes

"Pan...." Pancham apologized

"That's alright Pancham" I accepted

"Hey are you alright? That was kind of a tough fall" Someone asked

I turned to my left and I could see a girl and a boy about my age approaching me

The boy wore blue shorts, a green t shirt with short sleeves and a green and white bandana while the girl wore white shorts and an orange shirt

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