Mini Chapter: Christmas Of Love

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Quick Note: This Mini Chapter is chronological 

It was currently December 24th when a strange confrontation went down

"Looks like I caught you lacking"

"Hey! What did I do?!"

"I got it aimed just perfectly....."

"Hey now... put the gun down"


"P-Put it down!"

"Give me one good reason"

"Ash it's the middle of winter! Put the water gun down!" Serena demanded

"Alright" Ash agreed and he laughed a little before putting the water gun down

"Now don't scare me like that" Serena said

"Pi!" Pikachu added with his arms crossed

"Right..... but what were you doing out here anyways?" Ash asked

Serena had been walking towards Ash's house to invite him over to hang out with her on Christmas Eve, and Ash spotted her so he decided to play out his prank

"I um, wanted to know..... if....." Serena said as he started into Ash's deep auburn eyes that read 'go on' before finishing nervously "if you wanted to hang out...."

"Sure! Not like I have anything else to do then boss Gary around with this" Ash agreed as he held up the water gun again

"Your not busy on Christmas Eve?" Serena asked

"My mom isn't too big on holidays" Ash answered

"Then you can come enjoy Christmas to the fullest with me!" Serena offered

"Thanks!" Ash replied

"No problem! Let's go!" Serena said and she grabbed his wrist before running and dragging him along


"That's absolutely fine with me" Grace agreed

"Thanks so much Ms- I mean, Grace" Ash said

"No problem at all Ash, if it's what Serena wants then I'm ok with it" Grace replied

"So what should we do?" Ash asked Serena

"Um.... I got it! Follow me" She answered and Ash followed her up the stairs

"What exactly do you have planned?" Ash then asked

"Your just going to have to trust me" Serena replied as the two entered her room 


"Hey Serena" Ash said

"Yes Ash?" She asked

"What do you usually like to get for Christmas?" Ash then asked

"Why?" Serena asked back

"Well I wanted to get you something" Ash answered nervously

"You don't have to get me anything Ash! I think the ring is far more then anything I could ever ask for" Serena replied

"Are you sure?"


*End of flashback

"What are you looking for?" Ash asked curiously

"Just hold on a second....." Serena muttered as she continued to rummage through her stuff

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