Chapter 33: In The Middle

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We join Serena as she sits on her front porch, staring at Ash's house on Sunday night. Ash had won his second gym badge the day before, and today she wanted to do something with him but she was too nervous to ask.

* "I don't know but today I find myself unable to go and knock on that door..." Serena though to herself

She then heard footsteps approaching from the side and she turned to her left to see Calem approaching with a grin on his face

"Hey Serena" He called out

"Hey Calem, what are you doing out here?" Serena asked

"Well I actually came to find you" He answered

"Well what do you need?" Serena then asked

"I need to talk to you about something" Calem said

"Ok, im listenting" Serena replied, uninterested

"You see, I need to be honest and.... i've liked you for sometime now, ever since you arrived at school actually and I was wondering you if you wanted to.... go out with me" Calem explained and Serena was kind of surprised

* "Calem.... likes me? How do I reply...." Serena thought

Calem had been her first friend when she had arrived at the school but she knew the decision she had to make

"Im sorry Calem, I just don't feel the same way. I-I already have my heart set on someone" Serena replied

"O-Oh" He accepted and the two stared at each other

"You sure you cant give me a chance?" Calem then asked and he walked a little closer to Serena who was sitting down

"I cant. It wouldn't be fair to him" Serena answered

"But you don't know if he likes you back. Just give me a chance" Calem replied

"I...... Im not sure" Serena said

"I promise you won't regret it" Calem tried convincing and Serena was a little convinced at first to take a chance

"Serena, I was first your friend at the school. No one else gave you a chance. Ive been there for you since the start" Calem further added

Serena then noticed that something strange was crawling up Calem's shoulder so she pointed to it and spoke

"Whats that?" She spoke

Calem turned and they could see a cape making its way up his shoulder, and it quickly wrapped itself around his mouth and Calem was trying to speak but it was all muffled by the cape

"How inconvenient" A familiar voice said from behind Calem

The two turned and a white suited Neptune was behind them, with one knee and fist touching the ground.

The two turned and a white suited Neptune was behind them, with one knee and fist touching the ground

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