Warning: This chapter may be a little bit too much for some audiences (violence wise) so if you don't like reading that then skip to the next chapter
We join the entire gang (excluding Jason who ha stayed behind for an odd reason) as they walk back from Aria's dance party
"So did you have fun Ash?" Serena asked
"I sure did" He answered
"Hey check it out, schools out for the rest of the week" Miette then interrupted
"Why?" They all asked
"A student got seriously injured around the school campus" Drew answered as he read the news from Miette's tablet
"Who was it?" Iris asked
Miette and Drew then stopped in their trackers and had a shocked look on their face
"Calem" Miette & Drew answered
"C-Calem!" They all asked back
"W-What happened?" Serena asked worryingly which made Ash jealous
"Th-there's a vídeo going around the school" Drew replied
"Should we watch it?" Shauna asked
"It wouldn't.... hurt" May answered
The group then huddled around Miette as she pressed the play button on her phone
The scene started and Calem was near the school campus down by a lake as a fainted squirtel laid in front of him, and Ampharos was by his side. It also night time which confused us
"Sheesh" We could hear Calem say
There was then strange sounds coming from behind so Calem turned around and we saw enter the camera's view
"Is that?...." Ash asked
"It looks like it" Gary answered
The figure that had entered the scene was none other than Neptune but instead of wearing blue he wore all black, and instead of his usual trident he had..... an axe
"This better not be going where I think it is" Dawn said worryingly
"I think I'm gonna be sick if it is" Clemont agreed
Calem stood shocked that Neptune was approaching until he spoke
"Y-Your.... Neptune" Calem said in shock
Neptune carefully put the axe that he held in his left hand down and stared at Calem
The group and Calem then watched as Neptune walked past him and picked up the squirtel, and then returned him into a Pokeball which scared Calem
"What's going to happen now?" Lillie asked
"We have to find out" Fiera answered
Neptune walked up to Calem and stood in front of him
"Tell me why" Neptune demanded
"I-I'm sorry" Calem replied
"You've never been sorry for your actions" Neptune said
"Y-Yes I have! How would you know!" Calem exclaimed in annoyance
We all then watched as a big left punch was delivered to Calem's face which made him stumble back and trip
"Is that it?" Clemont asked
"I hope so" The others answered quietly
Calem then recovered and we could see he was hesitating on wether or not to fight back against the hero until he made his decision

Pokémon High: An Amourshipping Story
FanfictionAsh and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that. Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...