Ash and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that.
Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...
With three losses in a row Ash enters the Snowbell City Gym along with his friends for his rematch
"Ash?" Serena asked worryingly
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"I'll be fine Serena. Trust me" Ash assured and Serena smiled
"Hello there, welcome to the Snowbell City Gym!" A familiar voice said through the screen
"I'd like a gym battle please" Ash said
"Ah! A rematch! We've been waiting for you" They replied and the entrance opened up
"Well well, back for another match" Wulfric greeted
"I'm really ready to win my gym badge now" Ash replied
"How are you?.... after our last battle?" Wulfric asked
"I was upset at first but thankfully I had someone to snap me out of it" Ash answered
"Ah, I shouldn't have worried. Forget my last question, let's get this battle on the road!" Wulfric explained excitingly as he stepped onto the battlefield
"Right! Let's do this!" Ash agreed
"A fiery one, now let's see if your fire can melt my ice!" Wulfric said as he released his first Pokémon
"But sir! I haven't stated the rules yet" The Ref interjected
"No matter, we just battled. First one to loose three Pokémon loses right?" Wulfric asked
"Right" The Ref sighed
"Alright Pikachu! I choose you!" Ash decided and Pikachu jumped onto the battlefield
"He didn't use Bergmite last time" Dawn pointed out
"I wonder why" Sawyer replied
"Alright! Battle begin!" The Ref shouted
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"Let's start this off with Thunderbolt!" Ash began
"Dodge and use Icy Wind!" Wulfric replied
Pikachu began the battle by jumping up and firing a mid air thunderbolt but it missed as Bergmite slided back and used Icy Wind which hit Pikachu