*Serena's POV
"So Ash, up for a battle?" Misty asked
"How about a triple battle?" Ash asked back
"A triple battle sounds interesting" Brock agreed
"How about me, you and Misty VS Three of my friends then" Ash proposed
"Sounds good, I can randomly pick three names" Clemont replied
"Great" Misty said
Clemont then randomized three names and I sighed so hard at the names that been chosen
"Serena, Kiawe and Jason" Clemont revealed
"Are you alright with those teams Serena?" Ash asked
"I guess I am" I sighed in response
*Skip 3 minutes / Third Person POV
The group found a big enough battlefield for the fight and the 6 battlers got into position for the fight ahead
"This will be a three on there triple Pokemon battle! Once all three Pokemon from either side can no longer continue, the match will end! Trainers bring out your Pokemon!" Clemont stated
"Go Steelix!" Brock said
"Your up Gyarados" Misty added
"Sceiptile, I choose you!" Ash finished from their side
"Tell me something Serena" Jason said
"Hm?" She responded
"You'd like to impress Ash with this fight, wouldn't you?" Jason asked
"I-I guess" Serena whispered back
"Ok. Your up Charizard" Jason then said and he released the beast from its ball
"Lets go Pancham!" Serena said
"Your up Turtonator!" Kiawe finished from that side
"Ready to see our power Ash?" Misty asked
"Go for it" He answered
"Mega Evolve!" Misty & Brock shouted and Gyarados and Steelix then Mega Evolved
"Mega Gyarados and Mega Steelix!" Kenny exclaimed excitingly
"This is an intense battle for sure" Drew replied
"You guys can use Mega Evolution?" Ash asked
"We just recently found out about the power" Brock answered
"And Professor Oak was able to support us with the proper stones" Misty added
"Now we're unstoppable!" Brock finished
"I wouldn't be too sure" Ash warned
"Huh?" Brock and Misty asked
"Charizard, Mega Evolve!" Jason shouted and Charizard mega evolved into Mega Charizard Y
"Mega Charizard!" Brock & Misty then said in shock
"Let the battle begin!" Clemont shouted
"Back me up here" Jason said
"Turtonator use Draco Meteor!" Kiawe started
"Pancham use Stone Edge!" Serena added
"Steelix use Flash Cannon on Stone Edge!" Brock replied
"Sceptile use Quick Attack on Turtonator!" Ash backed up

Pokémon High: An Amourshipping Story
FanfictionAsh and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that. Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...