Mini Chapter: Meeting of Future Friends

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It was the summer before the school year of Ash's arrival in Kalos. Serena and her friends were hanging out at Clemont's gym so that a few of the boys could try and get a badge

"Luxray use Wild Charge!" Clemont shouted

"Dodge it!" Drew replied

Luxray radiated with electrical energy and charged forward, slamming into Drew's Pokémon and finishing the battle

"Looks like Drew couldn't win either" Serena said

"Clemont is super strong!" Bonnie exclaimed

"He is a gym leader after all, no wonder none of us can beat him" Kenny sighed in admission

"I'll make sure to train hard along side my Charizard and beat him" Trevor said

"And I'm going to work on my rhythmic battling style" Tierno added

"Good luck you two, so far no ones gotten past Clemont's Luxray" Shauna replied

The group then heard footsteps approaching so they turned to the entrance and someone was approaching, cloaked in a dark robe that concealed their identity

"Can we help you?" Clemont asked

"I believe this is a gym" They replied

"Who is this guy?" May asked

"I don't know" Dawn said

"Oh right!" Clemont exclaimed

"I'll Ref then" Drew then said


"This will be a three on three Pokémon battle! Once all three Pokémon from either side can no longer continue, the match will end! Trainers, bring out your Pokémon!" Drew stated

"Go Bunnelby!" Clemont shouted and the challenger simply released a Charizard

"Hey look! He has a Charizard too!" Trevor pointed out

"Well if your Charizard couldn't beat Luxray then he'll have to be really powerful to beat Clemont" Tierno said

"He looks really powerful" Dawn stated

"Maybe he's not and he hides behind the cloak for that reason" Miette guessed

"Only one way to find out" Serena said

"Let the battle begin!" Drew declared

"Bunnelby use Dig!" Clemont started

Bunnelby jumped up and then used its two ears as a drill, digging into the ground but Charizard countered by using Blast Burn which hit the Ground Type hard and brought it back above the surface

"That was Blast Burn!" Tierno exclaimed

"Bunnelby took so much damage just from that one move" Bonnie said worryingly

"Ok then. Use Wild Charge!" Clemont resumes

Bunnelby then powered up with an aura and charged forward at a great speed but Charizard was flying side to side, dodging each lunge mockingly until finishing the battle with a hard Fire Punch which sent Bunnelby crashing into the wall behind Clemont

"Thanks Bunnelby" Clemont said and he returned him

"Charizard took him out like it was nothing" Shauna said

"Go Heliolisk!" Clemont announced and the small Normal and Electric Type appeared "let's start this off with Flash!"

Heliolisk's frill opened up and it dashed forward but was stopped as Charizard separated the battlefield with a line of Fire

"How's Clemont suppose to counter that?" Bonnie asked

"I'm not sure, maybe Heliolisk could jumped over it" Trevor suggested

The stranger then returned Charizard and next up and came out a Bisharp

"He swapped Charizard? And for a Bisharp...." May said

"Heliolisk use Thunderbolt!" Clemont attempted

Heliolisk fired a Thunderbolt through the line of fire but Bisharp blocked it with Protect and then fired a Flash Cannon that finished off Heliolisk in one shot

"Good try Heliolisk" Clemont sighed and he returned him

"At least Luxray is up next though" Kenny said

"I wonder what he'll do" Drew wondered

Clemont then released Luxray who automatically started off the battle with Electric Terrain

"Now use Wild Charge!" Clemont commanded

Luxray charged in but Bisharp's Protect was still strong enough and it stopped the attack.

The barrier was then dropped and Bisharp landed a fury of attacks onto Luxray which did lots of damage

"Use Swift!" Clemont continued

Luxray jumped back and fired sparkles off its tail but Bidharp fired a Flash Cannon which went through and hit Luxray

"....Luxray is unable to battle! The winner is Bidharp! Therefore the challenger wins" Drew said

"Thanks Luxray" Clemont said with a half frown and he returned him while the challenger returned Bisharp


Clemont complimented the challenger and gave them their badge, and they then walked away but was stopped when someone spoke

"Hey! What's your name?" Bonnie called out

"You'll find out soon enough" They answered and they continued to walk towards the exit

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