Chapter Synopsis: Serena begins to work on her Pokevision video with Ash, Clemont, Bonnie and Jason and they're eventually joined by Shauna, Miette and the Kalos Queen. However, Serena quickly finds herself embarrassed left and right from teasing and Ash's usual questioning
It was the end of school on Friday where Serena pulled Ash aside to talk to him
"What's up Serena?" Ash asked
"Well I wanted to know if you wanted to start on the Pokevision video before we have our weekend together" Serena answered
"Sure, we should find the others then" Ash replied
Ash and Serena found Jason but Clemont wasn't anywhere to be seen
"Where's Clemont?" Jason asked
"I'm not sure" Ash answered
"I'll text him" Serena said
Serena then texted Clemont and got a pretty quick reply so they didn't have to wait for too long
"Clemont's on his way over here with his little sister" Serena said
"Oh right, I forgot he had a sister" Ash replied
The three then waited around until they saw who they thought was Clemont's little sister
"Serena!" Bonnie said as she ran up to her
"Hey Bonnie" Serena replied as she gave a small wave
"Who's this?" Bonnie then asked as she pointed to Ash
"That's Ash!" Serena answered
"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend" Bonnie whispered
"W-What! He's not my boyfriend!" Serena whispered back, a little too loud
"Everything alright?" Ash asked
"Everything's f-fine!" Serena replied and Jason laughed
"Hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting" Clemont then said as he walked up
"No problem Clemont, the help is really appreciated" Ash replied with a thumbs up
"Anyways, where are we doing this?" Clemont asked
"There's an open valley with lots of beautiful surroundings not too far from here" Serena explained
"Then lead the way" Ash said
The group then followed Serena and it didn't take too long for them to make it to the Valley they were talking about
"Pila!" Pikachu said with excitement
"I think Pikachu likes it here" Serena said
"I'm sure he does" Ash replied
"Well anyways, I have some equipment for us to use" Clemont announced
Clemont then brought out the equipment and it looked really impressive as the others admired it
"Wow!" Serena said with amazement
"Looks..... professional" Jason struggled to add
"Did you make this Clemont?" Ash asked
"I sure did thanks to Science!" Clemont answered while pointing to the sky
"Science is so amazing then!" Ash replied
"Hoopa will bring Science!" Hoopa said
It then became really cold in the area as it also began to snow

Pokémon High: An Amourshipping Story
FanfictionAsh and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that. Serena is an average high school girl who attends Sycamore Academy along with all her friends in the Kalos Reg...